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Toaster technology


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At least 10 years ago, my barking stepmother gave me her already very old toaster. And until last week it worked brilliantly, then suddenly it just went zzzzzzz-phut, and that was it, off it went to wherever good (but dead) toasters go.

I bought a new one today, and words cannot express my disappointment. Toaster technology has changed, but it has NOT improved. Gone are the thin glowing filaments that gave out lots of heat and made toast quickly, sealing in the moisture and goodness. Now there's just one horizontal bar on each side, like the ones on old electric fires, and what a time it takes.... 3.5 minutes to toast a slice of bread!!!!!!!!!!

So tell me, is this a special feature of French toasters, or are toasters really not what they used to be?

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Now strange you should say that, my 25th wedding anniversary tomorrow and we had had a toaster bought by husband's Aunt for our wedding present. It was like a comedy machine. Would take an age and do what the heck it wanted, happily burn the bread inside it and not pop up. Or I would find it empty and wonder if I had actually put any bread in it and find said bread on the other side of the kitchen where it had launched it.

I gave up in the end. And binned it. I bought a cheapo Tefal toaster, a few months ago and it is great.

ps I was rather pleased when several years later my MIL bought her neice, (the Aunt's daughter) a toaster for her wedding present, I always wondered if she had as much fun with hers as I did with mine before I chucked it.
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Our toaster is lousy! You get a well done bit then you have to turn it round to get the other side cooked - even though the whole slice fits in OK. It's not bad for crumpets, muffins, pitta bread and mini naan though - although I've taken to doing my naan on the panini grill. I won't be replacing the toaster when it dies.

Jill (99)
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Having a moment of madness years ago we bought ourselves a Dualit toaster (you need a second mortgage). They have the filament, it is replaceable if it fails, it makes toasted sandwiches and - well and it makes perfect toast for us at least.

Being of european make it does heat up slowly to stop the 'leccy tripping out but still does toast in under 2 mins. It has a manual bread 'tipper-up' and a nice crumb rack underneath.

Dualit, knowing when they were onto a good thing have just changed the colours and number or lack of slots and toasted sandwich holders not the technology - I remember when Bread was on the TV they had a Dualit in the kitchen - very apt that memory.


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