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Frogs Legs

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My son has to choose a foreign recipe to cook in his Technology lesson after Easter, and has found a recipe for Frogs Legs which he wants to make - just to aggravate the other kids, actually! The teacher was a little surprised too! Anyway, we are in France over Easter, but have only ever seen them frozen previously, and that will be a problem as we will have to buy them Wednesday morning, so I expect they will be off by the time he uses them on the following Monday, even if we keep them in a fridge most of the time. So, I wondered if you had seen them in tins and if you had noticed that specific supermarket chains sell particular brands of them.

Incidentally, the recipe he has chosen is a la Provencale, but I had them in a restaurant in Boulogne in a garlicky cream sauce and wonder if anyone has a recipe for doing it that way. Unfortunately, that particular restaurant had closed down the next time we were in Boulogne!

If he doesn't cook Frogs legs, he wants to do Escargots, which should be easy enough as they do at least come in tins. Failing this, he wants to do horse steak but I've not come across specific recipes for that - has anyone else? We just fry or barbecue it when we are camping in France. None of us are actually keen on Snails, so I'm suggesting he might do something with Scallops as an alternative to Frogs Legs!

Jill (99)
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What a pity you didn`t post this last night , have just done a shop at Auchan and would have had a browse around the isles for you , would give anything to see the lok on teachers face , especialy if she has to do a taste test!
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Thank you for all your postings. I've printed off Belinda's cartoons for my son!

Yes Margaret - it would be nice to think he was unfussy - but whilst he loves weird things, he won't touch anything as dull as Shepherd's Pie (which he made last week in school given the choice of that, bolognese and chilli - as he doesn't like those either). Nor does he eat much in the way of veg - but getting better. One of his friend's Mum's said when he was about 9 that he was weird because he eats "grown-up food" such as Olives, Houmous, Taramaslata, Feta, Curry etc. He also eats offal - something many good eaters steer clear of. But, yes, I am proud that he will give strange things a go!

Yes, Opas - I think the teacher has already raised an eyebrow at the suggestion!

As regards the other halves - Yuk Saligo Bay - you have put me off a bit, but then we eat Oysters when they are still alive. Mind you, you'd think that the people doing the job would put them out of their misery.

I remember someone I knew going to Japan and apparently the Piece de Resistance was some jellified looking stuff which was frogs. She was pretty repulsified by it, but it could be what happens to the other halves.

I was describing eating Frogs legs to a friend and she said something about eating their genitals. Well, I suppose you must do!

As regards horsemeat - there was a discussion on this a few weeks ago. Whilst it's not available in Britain, someone said that some of the horsemeat on sale in France comes from Scotland.

Oh, go on Gay, live dangerously - the Frogs legs I had in Boulogne in a creamy garlic sauce were delicious. Still looking for a recipe for that if anyone knows one.

Just think, everyone - what goes into sausage and salami - what about cervalatwurst - cerva.....many of us eat it and we ignore the ingredients.

Do any of you eat Frogs legs or Snails by the way?

Jill (99)
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