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Anyone for a Communard or Republicain?


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It was a nice change whilst in Beaujolais this week to be offered an alternative to a Kir as an aperatif. The first place we went to we offered a Communard (chilled Beaujolais with mur and cassis) very refreshing, with a bitter sweet taste. I asked if it was unique to Beaujolais and the waitress told me that it was not, that further down the Rhone we would be offered the same but made with Cotes du Rhone, or further north with Bourgogne. I never quite believe this things though.

The next day, next restaurant I scanned the menu for a Communard and of course, it wasn't there. There was, however, a Republicain. On asking what it was I was told it was Beajolais and cassis (no Mure this time) Again, very nice.

Now am I going to look a fool if I ask for either of these anywhere other than Beaujolais, or do they perhaps have a different name?

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