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37 ou 53 ou 76


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Everyone keeps telling us to go to a particular restaurant so we actually made it to the red carpet outside on Saturday evening. Only the above are the prices of the menus and I just didn't fancy anything enough on any of them to pay that much.

The 37 looked very ordinary. The 53 nothing exceptional and the 76 seemed to be the 53 one with homard chucked in.

So we didn't go in. And yet, I've not heard a bad word about the place. Just seemed too expensive to not fancy it. We ended up in an ordinary place and had a meal I did fancy and enjoyed.
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Having a red carpet outside doesn't bode well. Does the restaurant have any particular accolades (Michelin starts, famous chef)?

If they open for lunch there may be better value more down to earth menu available.

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Streuth who is the chef, Gordon Ramsay! Personally would rather go to somewhere all the locals go to as thats usually the best recommendation. Sounds like "a little bit of nothing on a big white plate" to me. Restaurants in that price band are reserved for special occasions only, ie Birthday, Anniversary in our book, only if there very good. How many courses and was drink included?
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There's a place near us, a fairly ordinary hotel, but it has a very good restaurant, very popular with French as well as visitors. Their menus are something like 21, 28, 35 and 72.

The most expensive looks very nice, but far too many courses (most of which are available in the other menus anyway), and no choices, though it does include some drinks. I'm sure it's just put there for the benefit of foreign and Parisian poseurs, I've never seen anybody actually order it. It would have to be exceptional at that price.

We took some English friends there, who could count as poseurs as far as eating out is concerned. We all chose the 21 menu and thought it was excellent - it compared well with what's often reckoned to be the absolute best resto in the area, started by Jean-Christophe Novelli and still run by a chef trained by him. Even there you wouldn't pay more than about 40 for the special menu.

Will (50)
Forum moderator

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We've just had a long weekend in Paris, and had a very good menu for 22E, ok nothing posh - no linen napkins or silver service but decent food and vino ok too- in the Gard du Nord area - then had an excellent Fruit de Mer for 52E for two with full silver service (not with lobster tho that was 85E!) and the crab was the best I can remember so you can eat reasonably even in Paris.
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Last night had birthday bash at the Grange aux Oies, Chateau de Nieuil (16) which is one of les tables gourmandes de la Charente recommended restaurants.

All in price 35euros each which included aperatif, bottle of goodish wine (per couple) and coffee as well as the usual four courses with lots of choice and hubby was offered seconds from the fantastic dessert trolley. All excellent and in wonderful surroundings - will definitly return.

regards.......helen (LOL a year older and perhaps a year wiser)

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