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Children's snacks & viennoiserie


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I've tried, but I really can't like all this stuff.

Packs of tasteless madeleines, stodgy briochettes with ppines de chocolat, crpes that taste like cardboard.

I'm just surprised that they seem so hugely popular in a country that prides itself on eating well.

Maybe it's price - must compare 8 bananas with 8 briochettes someday. There, now I have an aim in life
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>I've tried, but I really can't
>like all this stuff.
>Packs of tasteless madeleines,

I quite agree, I have always thought of the above as "everlasting" cakes..............and not at all nice to eat.

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The rest of the world calls these things 'danish'. I have heard that the best cake makers etc at one time were in Vienna and then the best viennese pastry chefs moved to Denmark and did their stuff there.....

The french retained viennoiserie, whereas the rest of the world calls the pastries danish.

So is this true? Partly true? False?
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Here we are bombarded by "buttery" products which usually have a shelf of their own in the shops as being local traditional products - Quatre Quarts cake,crpes,galettes and all the hard thin biscuits that the Bretons love so much as well as the Madelines,Craquelins (disgusting things) and imitation fruit cake. Personally I don't go a lot on them as they are factory produced and have lost that hand made appeal they used to have and with local recipes you can make a lot better product yourself. My kids love all the brioches stuffed with chocolate and as for the Viennoise bread from the boulangerie, you can keep it as it is just too sweet and sickly to eat with anything else. The number of times I have bought packs of crpes still with three or more weeks use by date on them and they have been mouldy when opened has made me use my billig more and more these days. Do you agree that shops here in France do not seem to check the sell by dates on their stock as rigidly as they do in the UK? It would be interesting to compare because I have found so many don't do that often here.
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