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Roast Veg

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No, not potatoes - I have taken a liking to roast vegetables, peppers, asparagus, courgettes etc BUT instead of them being charmingly charred they seem to be more along the lines of bl***y burnt ! On the other hand shortening the time seems to mean they are not so tender and lack that certain sweetness. Should I be blanching them first.......would longer slower roasting be the answer ???
Seems so simple.....where am I going wrong ?

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Hi Gay.
I always par-cook my root veg in boiling water for 5-10 minutes then pan roast at 200C. Highly fibrous veg might benefit from the same par-cook (ie: broccoli, celery) but just 2-3 minutes at outside most. I use extra-virgin olive oil, coarse sea salt, bit of fresh rosemary and loads of garlic cloves. Make sure you give it a stir every 15 minutes or so to coat with the oil, prevent sticking and allow to brown evenly. 45 minutes seems to be enough, but depends on how big your veg is cut!

Lovely day!
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I would do the asparagus seperately as it takes so little time to roast, I just roast it with some olive oil and black pepper for ten minutes if that. For the roast veg I would probably roast for 25 mins on a meduim heat then turn it up to high for 5-8 mins to finish it.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Rather than just putting the veg in a roasting tin and pouring the oil over I put the veg into a plastic bag and add the oil to that. If you hold the bag closed you can shake it all arround, this cuts down on the amount of oil requred and ensures all is evenly coated. Then tip into the roasting tray and cook for 30-40 minutes depending on what they are.

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