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Too many courgettes!


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Once again this year we have too many courgettes (already!). I know that if I allow them to grow into marrows they can be stored for a while - but has anyone got any bright ideas about how to deal with a glut of courgettes? I understand that they don't freeze very well 'cos of the high water content - has anyone ever tried?

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I have frozen cougettes and then used them in soups etc, I grated them, put them in a bag and into the freezer, have you considered using them raw in salad? I cut a chunk off and cut it into batons, mix with the other salad veg and drizzle with dressing, you can also roast them, I do not advise you to do this as part of a roast veg pan, as you will get water coming out of them as they cook, but put in a seperate tin, sprinkle with olive oil and salt and roast in a hot oven for about 15 minutes, drain and serve.
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LAST EDITED ON 17-Jun-04 AT 01:23 PM (BST)

For a change - grate courgettes along with onions and carrots, blitz a small can of chicken peas until smooth, add to the rest with a big big dollop of peanut butter, an egg and some breadcrubs and form into burgers.

Barbecue or fry until piping hot and golden (or black if you're barbie skills are as good as mine!!)
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Lucky you - I havent got ANY yet!

If you let them grow into marrows it slows down production AND you can make yummy marrow and ginger jam.
I froze quite a bit at the end of the season last year - just sliced them, bagged them and put them on quick freeze and they were fine to use throughout the winter and early spring in recipes like ratatouille.
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LAST EDITED ON 18-Jun-04 AT 04:24 PM (BST)

Poultry love them. As do pigs.
And if you have a dog... my vet recommends 400G cooked green veg per day for my border collie.
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