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Is anyone homesick for English bread, or am I just being weird? Am contemplating buying a bread maker but the other half says we can't afford it as we knead the dough. He never did have a sense of humour!

Must go. Noise in background is baby Jaques air blasting his way through the side of the cot.
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Friends bought us some Asda fresh bread back recently and we binned it because it was like eating thick dough. Give me locally baked french bread anytime over that white rubbish. I can't comment on breadmakers because I have never seen anyone use one here to get their comments but I would imagine made with french flour,the bread may well be quite good.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Although I like French bread, I soon bought a bread maker as I do miss English bread. I buy organic French flour from the baker and mix it with 1/8 English flour bread but you could use farine de ble instead of English flour. This makes a superb loaf which I serve in the retaurant and the breadmaker could be working full time as the campers like it so much
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I have just come back from a quick dash to the UK bringing with me seven brands of white strong flour to 'test'.

I did have high hopes of a new flour I found in Super U the other week but, sadly, not up to much.

Many years ago I did a bread making course and I was told you could freeze fresh yeast. My memory being what it is, I checked on google and they said no....kills it. Bought some fresh yeast in the health food shop in the UK and the lady said that you can freeze it....... Anyway, I went into Sainsbury's in Newhaven and asked if they had some - 800g for 99p. If it doesn't work, I can afford it!!

I had some wonderfull toast this morning. Homemade strawberry jam too.
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