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where can I buy fresh cream in Brittany


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Is there any place in Brittany that sells fresh cream, double or single - most of the large supermarkets only have creme fraiche or similar. I am surprised - another product is unsalted butter - just can't seem to find it anywhere. To me there's nothing like strawberries and cream - great heart stopping stuff! Incidentally I hate the spray cream and I do not like fresh cream which has sugar added.

Any help would be gratefully received.

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Don't know which part of Brittany you are in but I know they sell fresh cream (creme crue as someone has mentioned) in the bio co-op in Morlaix. I have also bought it on Morlaix market. If you are not in the area a search of small stalls in local markets and for a bio co-op might help.

Liz (29)
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