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Wheat-free pasta


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I have recently been diagnosed with a lactose intolerance, so should totally avoid all dairy products. The other bad news is a wheat and gluten intolerance, but to a lesser degree. That doesn't leave much to eat! I know that you can buy wheat-free pasta products in Britain, but has anyone out there ever seen any in France? If anybody has any information about how to deal with this double curse in the land of lovely cheeses and crusty bread than I'd love to hear from them please! Meanwhile I'm eating lots of rice, fish, fruit and vegetables and getting slimmer than I've been for nearly forty years, so it's not all bad. Just feels bad.

Groetjes, Angela
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Good luck with your search!

I am in the UK right now but developed 'ezcema' after two trips to France where, being vegetarian, my diet was very restricted.

So I think the overload of cheese, eggs, and white bread, and lack of my usual diet (bit difficult unless self-catering) led to the discovery that I have these intolerances too.

Pehaps the trufree wheat free pasta that I've just finished eating - Yum! - might have a website that could be a start?

My next trip to France will be self-catering and involve bringing all my Indian spices as Indian food seems to be the quickest, tastiest, vegetarian, wheat free etc option at the moment!


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I have been living in France a year. It was a trip here 2 years ago that accelerated my fairly livable IBS into full blown wheat intolerance. Actually moving here was torture on the food front, and none of the French seem to understand my predicament, they just think I am attention seeking.

I have scoured every supermarket and health food shop in the vicinity (North Gironde) with no success and I have to say that although my local Sainsbury's in the UK had a good range of alternatives the prices were extortionate and somehow gluten free bread, pasta, biscuits or whatever just didn't taste like the real thing. Even making my own was a disaster, the flour just wouldn't behave as you would expect and everything always crumbled to dust when you bit into it.

I have totally given up on all the subtitutes now and have rice crispies or cornflakes for breakfast, salad/omlette/baked potato for lunch (and the occasional rice cake, but they are revolting) and have to be very good and pass on the scrummy bread whenever it is offered.

Look on the bright side, at least you can drink the wine.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
When you say wheat free, is that all the cereals like oats and barley too?

It always amazes me how many of these 'special' foods one sees in the UK and as was said, Holland.... simply not used to seeing them living here. And I don't know of anyone who has this sort of allergy either although surely there must be french people who have them.
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