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Surplus fruit - any ideas?


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I have over 10 mature cherry trees (dark Morello, blush Napolean and sweet red dessert varieties) and don't know what to do with all the fruit.

There is only so much jam you can make and I'm not sure about freezing them. I'm also (rather boringly) tee-total so cherry brandy etc. would be a waste of time.

Any recipes / ideas would be most welcome.

While you're at it...any ideas on what to do with the fruit of 55 apple trees (desert and cider)?????? The sheep graze in the orchard and I'm a bit concerned that they might become a bit tipsy if they eat 4 tonnes of apples. I did let a local farmer take them last year to a distillery, with the promise that I would get a cheque in December, but to date haven't seen a centime! C'est la vie!
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You could bottle the cherries but as you say only so many... the apples could be juiced (and the juice sterilised); you could make cider but as you don't drink it would have to be turned to vinegar to be useful to you... you can bottle pure and dry rings but a large quantity of either probably wouldn't be desirable... I think producing apple juice is probably your best option, there's not much else you can do with the cider ones afaik.
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