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Recipe creme-de-cassis


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Having just picked our first crop of cassis am now looking for recipes to use them in - will be making blackcurrent gin and sorbet but would also like to make creme-de-cassis but despite searching the internet cannot find a recipe for it - can anyone help??
Plus do you have any alternative recipes for both black currents and next to be picked red currants.
Back to the topping and tailing!
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LAST EDITED ON 08-Jul-04 AT 07:27 PM (BST)

Hi Helen,

I have not tried this, so can not promise a result! Just found this on the french Google:

Ingrdients :
- 2 kg de cassis
- alcool 60%
- 1kg de sucre
- 1/2 litre d'eau

Prparation :

Dans un rcipient, faire macrer les cassis crass a la main, plus quelques feuilles, pendant 2 mois dans l'alcool.
Pour les quantits, il faut que l'alcool dpasse les cassis de 3 cm.
Passez ensuite les cassis, rcoltez le jus.
Prparez le sirop pour 1 litre de jus : 1kg de sucre pour 1/2 litre eau.
La crme de cassis est prte dguster 3 mois aprs.

I hope this is helpful.
It sounds good to me! Sorry the proportions are not very precise!
A matter of trial and error I think!

Good luck

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  • 1 month later...
I recently bought 'Goose Fat & Garlic' by Jeanne Strang. She has a recipe for Creme de Cassis which sounds easy and very tasty as well as some other liqueurs such as l'eau de vie de noix, an orange peel aperitif, a walnut leaf wine and something I've never hear of 'Hypocras' - any idea's anyone? Mmmm happy slurping.
I'd love to hear how you get on with your beverage as I've been thinking of trying to make it myself
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