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Complete France Forum

Fruit & Veg Bottling

Linda & Mike

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I've just started bottling home grown fruit/veg using a French sterilisateur. I have a very old recipe book donated by my French neighbour. It only gives timings for 1 litre bottles though. Can anyone help with info on times for using smaller bottles. My french language is not good enough to make myself understood with my neighbour as to exactly what information I'm looking for.

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I have been bottling this year for the first time. My hob is not really suitable for a steriliser, as I have used the oven method. Fill the bottles with liquid, put the lid on but do not clamp down. Put the bottles on the oven shelf on a piece of wood or cardboard. I give them about 1 1/2 hours at 140 degrees for litre bottles, so you would need less time. They are ready when the contents have risen a little and there are tiny bubbles in the liquid. Hope this helps. Jane
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Modern British wisdom is that bottling veg is unsafe but here in 24 it's still common practice and there are books available; there was a leaflet in with some LeParfait jars I bought which gave times but I've mislaid it... I'm pretty sure the time is not significantly reduced for smaller jars and "Bottling & Preserving" by Linda Ferrari gives times for a pint and a quart which are very similar, for example asparagus 28 or 32 minutes at 10 lb pressure.
If there's something specific you need the times for let me know, I have a few books on the subject and can probably find something.
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