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Olives - Tree to Jar

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For the first time we have a tree full of olives. Could anyone advise how I turn them from the rather unpleasent green bullets on the tree (memo to the curious: olives straight from the tree do not seem to taste very nice!) into something I can drop into a martini? I have an idea that it might involve brine, but beyond that....
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we do them like this :

1)Soak them in 3% sodium hydroxide (caustivc soda) overnight

2)Rinse twice per day until the water is clear

3)Bottle in brine with optiona added garlic, pickles, spices, etc.

The caustic soda bit sounds unlikely, but I promise you it is true. You'll find the garden and hardware shops have a display of lessive soudure (often with the olive treatment recipe) at this time of year.


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