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Tea Bags


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Most of the time we have one cup of tea. ie I don't make a pot up and find that Carrefour's own English breakfast tea makes a good strong cuppa for one. And because of this I stopped bringing tea bags back years ago.

I find that for all I love strong tea, most tea bags that I've had in the UK are best when making a pot up, and will produce more than one cup.

I realise that one can take the tea bag out of the cup quite quickly to stop the tea being so strong, however, I was always lead to believe that good tea should infuse for a few minutes to get the best out of the leaves, so removing the bag is not a good idea.

And frankly the only tea I would bring back is Rington's ( because it really tastes very good indeed, they sell great biscuits too) , followed maybe by Yorkshire Tea. The rest of the teas seem simply ordinaire, and Carrefours IMO easily compares to these, nothing special but perfectly palatable and fine.

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Thanks for that important info. I shall definately look out for them on my next visit to Carrefour. Just opened a new box of PG Tips which still has a year to go on the sell by date and they are dreadful compared to the last batch. I only get these because friends bring them back and they never have time to go to the better UK supermarkets which sell the very good Yorkshire Tea and hasn't that go expensive now!
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