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vin nouveau


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For the last couple of years we have found a supurb Merlot Nouveau in SuperU, tucked along side the Beaujolais. I want to buy some and take to my friends wedding in June. Does anyone have an idea how long you can keep nouveau wines before you need to drink them? Must admit that they don't stay undrunk for very long chez nous!

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Hélas for your friend's wedding guests, most informed opinion is that the nouveau/primeur wines are very short-lived. They're a cheery, swiggable celebration of the new vendange and don't have much depth or complexity. Drink them before Christmas, and forget them from January on. Roll on the third Thursday in November.

a la votre.........

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Thanks for the answers. Will have to find some other wines for the wedding. Any recommendations for reasonable white, red and rose? I am buying for 100 guests for a june wedding on a beach in Devon! Barbeque reception, so I thought I'd get a variety and some beer. Meannwhile, we are eagerly anticipating next week!
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