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Boletus Edulis


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Boletus Edulis or Ceps or penny buns to you and me. This is the time of year for them.

We went into Carcassonne to the market this morning and there were lots and lots of them. They ranged from about 1" daimeter up to some monsters about 7" across. I would love to try them and I even managed to find them in England.

Where we lived in the U.K. we used to get Giant Puff Balls, no it's not a painful complaint! They were in the field just outside out garden and they were always collected before the children could use them as footballs, they were about the right size. The largest one we found weighed about 5 1/2 pounds and took me almost a week to eat. If you find them they are lovely sliced about 3/4" thick and fried in butter or better still bacon fat and they have the consistency of marsh mallows, but mushroom flavored. Here I go again, I really must get a dribble proof keyboard! If you like mushrooms then try GPBs, absolutly wonderful!!!

Anyway back to the subject, what is the best way to cook Ceps? Anyone got any ideas?

John (funguy)

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I am no expert but Antonio Carluccio is and in his book 'A Passion for Mushrooms' he has a section on them. He writes that the smaller ones can be pickled and frozen and may be eaten raw in salads when sliced thinly. Whole ones are good grilled and the older ones are best sliced and fried or used in stews and sauces. Hope this helps.


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