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Hangover cures


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My head confirms what husband is saying, I really did drink the lion's share of 2 bottles of Mercier last night on a virtually empty stomach.  Whatever possessed me?  With the season of over-indulgence fast approaching can anyone recommend tried and trusted cures for mornings such as this, preferably not involving raw eggs or oysters.  Thanks.  M
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Try to drink as much water as possible before you go to bed - vast quantities. Also keep a full jug/bottle of water by the bed for when/if you wake up in the night. By the morning your liver should be able to tolerate some paracetamol so take these with even more water. Then move on to either fresh orange juice or Coke, (not diet) both should be icy cold. The Coke is especially good as it has sugar and cafine and they are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. Finally have a very small shot of a bland spirit ie vodka just to restore the status quo. Start eating as soon as you can manage it.


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Try to drink as much water as possible before you go to bed - vast quantities. Also keep a full jug/bottle of water by the bed for when/if you wake up in the night. By the morning your liver should be able to tolerate some paracetamol so take these with even more water. Then move on to either fresh orange juice or Coke, (not diet) both should be icy cold. The Coke is especially good as it has sugar and cafine and they are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. Finally have a very small shot of a bland spirit ie vodka just to restore the status quo. Start eating as soon as you can manage it.


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Thank you everyone, feeling marginally better now and can report the following.  Plain yogurt certainly helped settle the stomach but not as much as the peppermint infusion OH brewed for me later, this worked immediately and very soothing.  It must be reading about the place on here for we later had our first MacDonalds in years.  The quarter pounder with cheese didn't have quite the effect I had hoped but the much recommended coke certainly did.  Should add that with the exception of the occasional tonic with gin, I never take fizzy drinks, can't remember the last time I drank a coke, and I'm also caffeine free as I never drink tea or coffee.  But this regular coke (not the low cal version) gave me an instant lift, really cleared the head and perked me up, quite astonishing.  Am now looking forward to a very early night.  M
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Saligo Bay, where are you???


Every Scots knows that you need to have a bottle of Irn Bru, and two bacon rolls


Joking apart, that does give you what you need- rehydration, caffeine and vitamin C (missing in Coke, which is why Irn Bru is better for the purpose), with protein and carbohyrates.


You just need a Tally  Scot's cafe to have it in and you're away

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