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Creme fraiche


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I'm amazed at how much of this gets used, it seems to be a staple item of every French fridge.

It goes into quiches, sauces, omelettes, mashed potatoes, radishes, you name it, you can add creme fraiche to it!

Do you use it in such great quantities?   Whenever I do buy it, with great culinary plans in mind, most of it ends up in the bin, unused.  Oh the shame!

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I buy at least one tub of it a week.  Use it a lot in sauces where as before I would make a roux.  Only just discovered that it is delicious in mashed potatoes.  Not that I am eating any at the moment, you understand

Very popular around here with half a ton of sugar stirred in in place of a dessert.

Also keep a supple of long life cream in but must admit I use the creme fraiche more. 

It makes very nice ice cream.  Another sin!

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Love it in soups, sauces, "gravy", mash, quiches, gratins, potato salads & similar.... every time I go to a supermarket I buy it and I always use it all. I used it in London too, but less because the calories were superfluous as opposed to desperately needed.
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You mean it's still edible with an inch of blue-green hairy stuff on top?????  

You could try serving it up as a form of blue cheese?

My daughter's second favourite meal is lardons, creme fraiche and spaghetti. I use it in most creamy sauces and it's great in curries. I use it in quiches and onion tarte or flamenkuche. In fact I use it wherever I would use double or thick cream in savoury cooking. Down here we get creme friache pizzas as well as the standard tomato  based ones from the pizza van.

I don't much like it with fruit or sweet things, I prefer to use marscapone or creme semi epaisse.


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I'm not keen on it with fruit but I use it in clafoutis if I have any.
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We use it quite often too, but I do try to use the low fat sort. I quite like it with fajitas if not using sour cream with them. A favourite recipe of ours is to cook leeks in stock then wap in ham, cheese and creme fraiche and serve with pasta. It is definitly essential in mash and good on jacket potato too. Friends in Normandy seem to throw it in everything. I particular remember anguilles, fried in butter then creme fraiche wapped in. Quite a few of our French friends have said they like epinards a la creme but have never served it to us. So we improvised and just cooked spinach and mixed in creme fraiche - it is delicious. Also, those raclette pizza's often have creme fraiche, so if I have raclette cheese left, I sometimes make raclette pizza. Again, that is improvised from what I've eaten in a French pizzeria.

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