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I blanched them for three minutes.  Didn't peel them, just gave them a good wash.  They certainly have the flavour of artichoke and the texture.  Actually, I am not that keen on the texture of artichokes.

The jury is out on this one.  Will give the others to OH on a salad with vinegrette.  When he saw them last night I think he thought that they were cooked grubs/caterpillars!  I only ate two.  Obviously.  On a regime!

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Think it was the gardening section - it was me who was enquiring.

Anyway, how were your stomachs afterwards? Did you get the same effect as with Jerusalem Artichokes? In researching on the net I found they have the same/similar undigestible whatever in them as the said fartichokes! That's what put me off, plus the instructions for cleaning them (rub in a teatowel with coarse salt to get the skin off). Seemed like a lot of hassle.

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Ha.  I only had two as on a diet.....  The next night I chopped them up and put them in a stir fry.  I can't say that I noticed them.

No adverse effects with two.....didn't peel them as couldn't be faffed...certainly artichoke-y as regards flavour and texture.

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Regarding the windy effect of these veg, try putting some bi-carb of soda in the cooking water.  When I mentioned the fart factor of the Jerusalem artichokes and various beans to a french friend, she told me about the bi-carb trick.  She uses it when cooking anything that has that effect and swears that it works wonders.  It seems that you can buy the bi-carb in any pharmacie.  


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When fresh they are pearly white.
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In my experience, the French defy any and all forms of logic. And supermarket shelves are stocked by colour-blind illiterates (not that I have anything against colour-blind illiterates). Why else would one find matches next to flour? I'm still trying to work that one out...
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