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Tuesday weigh-in and I wish I could say something good... well I weigh 93kg... so I am up 1kg over last week. I know why, I have made appaling food choices, eaten bread and crepes even some pasta and have felt absolutely ravenous because of it! Plus I have been a sloth and not done any exercise to speak of and even slacked on the cardiac exercise... so, todays weight is strictly my own fault, no one shoved that baguette in my gob!

Its all emotional eating, which I haven't done for months. Still, its how I cope, sometimes, with very bad news. On the other hand, at least I only did it for a few days instead of for years like I have done in the past!

Ok... lets just try to maintain this week...

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If you have had bad news Belinda, you have to eat to keep your strength up....  You haven't sinned.   Next week you might lose LOADS.

Measuring day tomorrow.  I feel like Twiggy's slimmer sister which just goes to show how my brain is lying to me.

First fortnight up tomorrow so I am going to indulge in half a slice of bread every other day and have some boiled eggs.  By an unbelieveable stroke of luck I am in a 'saintly' phase which is lasting!  Famous last words.

Just finish this refreshing glass of water and I will take my ready prepared half slice of bread out of the freezer.....

Just hope the Hagen Daz doesn't accidently fall into my mouth!

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Sorry, I went straight to the last page and didn't see Gay's post.  Well done!  Another volunteer too!  How many is that?  Six of us?

Lost 1.5cm of my waist and 1cm off my hips.  Frankly, disappointed as lost a lot more in January.  There again, I was a lot fatter.

No, swanning around thinking I am a size 10.....

Started adding a bit now the first fortnight is over and having half a slice of toast with my boiled eggs.  Quite honestly, after the first bite, it seemed to have lost it's attraction.   HURRAH!  I am keeping a close eye on it's effects.  If I feel hungry for example.  If someone had told me about the adverse effects carbs had on me I would have laughed as I knew nothing.  Now, I am beginning to think that I am indeed 'allergic' to carbs.  Will study this later.

So, another week begins.  Will wish you all strength to resist!

Oh.  Decided I want to lose 10cm still off both hips and waist.  I am being realistic.  I know I will never be thin.  Unless.......!

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Confession - I haven't weighed myself yet.

We've had visitors for the last couple of days and I'm hoping that taking their georgeous dog (Rhodesian Ridgeback) for a walk has helped get rid of the cottage pie followed by greek yoghurt and honey. Wishful thinking, me thinks.

Visitors have now gone, so I will weigh myself tomorrow morning and let you know the verdict.

Well done to everyone else - even if you did stay the same as last week, sometimes it goes like that, but don't despair.

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[quote]Alexis, I'm not bothered about toast, pastries etc - its the red wine thats my downfall Gill, I did use a pedometer, just confirmed what I knew - I don't get a enough exercise.[/quote]


I have to agree that the pedometer can deliver a nasty shock. I only bought mine last week so it's still a new toy! I have tried to UP my steps per day and on Sunday had done so little that I took myself of to the gym (don't enjoy it but weather was awful) and just walked and walked on the treadmill.

Excelled myself yesterday (11777 steps and the first time I have passed 10000 steps) but exercise included 1.5hrs Tai Chi class, a short walk to shops, plus a walk with friend and dog, walk to and from evening class..........an exceptional day!

Boy did I ache afterwards and still do for that matter! however I don't think there has been much (any) weight loss (!) I am trying to convince myself that it is all muscle. LOL

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Well weighed in at 72 kg today, haven`t lost an ounce.Having a real problem cutting out the chocolate and red wine.Was determined to lose some for x-mas but finding it very difficult. i did joining slimming world a month ago but only went once, like the diet but hate all this weighing and clapping in front of everyone.

are there many of you on the atkins diet?I`d be a wee bit worried about the amount of fat/cholesterol in it myself especially as I have a family history of heart disease. What is the South beach diet like? (although 2 weeks without red wine, I`m not sure)

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Hi Joan

Personally, I've never fancied the Atkins. It suits some but not others. Too much cheese "blows me out" and I very rarely eat red meat. So I don't think Atkins will suit. Having said that it has been successful for many people. However, if you have cholesterol probs - you may need to seek advice from a Doctor.

Further back in this Dieting forum is a website (I think it's www.weightlossresources.co.uk which explains a bit about the South Beach.

Chocolate and crisps used to be my downfall, but now it's red wine. It's difficult not to have a glass or two with dinner, especially if you have people round - after all, I don't like to be unsociable - lol.

(Why can't I get all the smileys other people put in their mails)?

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I'm doing Atkins.  Swear by it.  If you are strong minded enough the first fortnight you can get off to a flying start.  The weight just tumbles off.  Really gives you a boost.  I don't know about the long term effects because I usually fall by the wayside before then!

Decided carbs are a BIG no no.  Feel so much better not eating them.

Not had a drink for a fortnight but seriously tempted tonight.  Nice G&T.   I am having a refreshing glass of water.....

Mind.  It's not too late . . .

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Jomo, South Beach was 'invented' by a cardiologist - initially the weight loss was just a welcome side effect.

You can eat carbs, but good carbs. SB is based on the Glycemic index which is to do with how fast certain foods make your blood sugar go up and down, its these peaks and troughs which cause over eating. By eating foods with low glycemic index you 'level' that out, stops you feeling hungry.

One of the things I like about it is that if you have something you shouldn't, they just say, don't worry, forget about it and get back on the diet. I didn't like the initial 'ketosis' thing with Atkins (although I know it suits some people)

I can only say how I have found it and I must say that after a year it really has become a way of eating, rather than a 'diet'. I very rarely eat processed food now and I suspect I have a better range of nutrients than before. This suits me and I think finding a healthy way of eating that suits you is really the key - now...... if I can just find an exercise

I think I posted a link to SB earlier in the thread

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