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Hi Gay

Staying the same is not so bad. Keep at it.

I wasn't particularly good on the eating front last week, but I think I must be burning calories just trying to stay warm at the moment.

House is still "a work in progress", we have one room which has a fire, but there are so many draughts !!!

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OK, as its Tuesday, here is my weigh-in. I am at 92kg, so that means I have lost 1kg in the last two weeks, which I am happy with as I have been on a plateau!

My cardiologist wants me down to 65kg so still 27kg to lose, but I have until Easter to do it.

I have added in a 45 minute brisk walk every schoolday morning. After I walk the girls to school, I just continue on around the commune, some lovely views and it is very calming.

OK, my goal is another 0.5kg this week!

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Well, I don't know what you're all on about, but I thought I'd join in

64kg, 5'8" or thereabouts. 

Tried Atkins, got completely miserable.

Tried overeating, felt stoopid and miserable.

I have to give in and be me - eat what I want, and make the most of those "must exercise" flurries.  They do happen now and again.  No point in fighting it.

I'm sure you're all lovely.  Extraness is better than famine.  Be glad.   


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Agree there SB.  Same height as you but far more womanly.  Perhaps that should be matronly  I was 68 kg at birth with a 30 inch waist.

Great progress here.  After increasing in girth by seven centimetres since the wedding - not quite three months - I am proud to say that I have lost 2.5centimetres off the waist and four off the hips.  Got to act quickly before the flab decides it likes me and wants to stay

Starting the second week with a spring in my step.

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[quote]Yeah, Ok Gay, go on then... I am at 93kg. I would like to be under 88kg before Christmas. I am doing Atkins, Pilates and my Cardiac walking. Haven't done any cycling because of the weather (I'm a wim...[/quote]

Yep,Would love to join you also!!

Really don,t want to post my weight, but would love to lose 5 kilos by Xmas and will be honest!!

I,m going to start the Atkins, FROM TOMORROW,( bet you,ve heard that before), but I will, just that we,re off out tonight with 20 people for an early Thanksgiving meal! Lots of turkey and potatoes, followed by choc cheesecake! Oh dear!!


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More the merrier.

You don't have to give your weight, just let us know if you lose some. No diet rules here.

And .... there is nothing wrong with having a rounded "womanly" figure. I just want my clothes to fit better and feel more comfortable with myself. Personal choice, so I'm not beating myself up about it. Yes, I get a bit down, when I'm feeling like a tank, but I know I feel better when I've shed a few pounds and I know I can do it. It's just nice to be able to do it with others.

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Forget about dieting and change to a healthy eating plan. I lost 3stone (sorry not into Kg yet) by following Slimmers World healthy eating plan - nothing is forbidden and once you have got your head around the basic rules and philosophy you don't really have to think about it. Perhaps the one thing that might be a problem I find it difficult to find skimmed milk in supermarkets.

Slimmers World do not operate in France but you can access their stuff online.

Good luck to all of you trying to loose weight its not really about the kgs its about self esteem and how you feel within yourself.

p.s. I have maintained my loss for almost 2years now.

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Well, my great secret for staying so slim and lovely (ha ha ha ha, if I had a euro for every time someone asked me when the baby's due, I'd be RICH!) is..... don't eat breakfast.

I know it goes against what we're always told, but I think that "most important meal of the day" thing really only applies to children and manual workers (= calorie-burners btw, it's not a class comment!).

I find that if I eat at breakfast, I just keep on eating and snacking for the rest of the day.   If I just have coffee (like many French people), I easily go foodless till lunchtime, then I eat properly, and can go snackless again till teatime.

Odd, but there you go..... 



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SB you sound lovely as you are.

Breakfast (sensible diet) is a MUST, gives you energy for the morning!

I believe that the elderly (obviously not you!) in particular are advised to have 5 small meals a day and should not eat a huge lunch and dinner with nothing in between.

Exercise is the key, i.e. burn more calories than you put in!

I read the following in the paper during the Summer -

Pour les enfants = bouger et manger

Pour les adultes = bouger

There is so much conflicting advice out there!

Good luck one and all

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Well, I,m joining you all today. Weighed in at 65.5 kilos this morn and thought oh no, Christmas is coming. Went to Carrefour to do some shopping and right there in front of me was the French version of the Southbeach Diet..Regime Miami. So I bought it and I,ve started.

The hardest for me will be no wine in the evenings..boohoo.

Let you know how I,m doing next Tuesday. Good luck to everyone!Janey

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