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Atkins.  Wonderfull.  Zone.  Allows a few carbohydrates - I do like a bit of toast.

Try google and their sites will pop up and you can print out there words of wisdom . . .

I will join you when I finish this G&T.  How about a race?

Daren't get on the scales but will stretch the tape measure   Lost loads for The Wedding but back to bad habits.  We could be a stone lighter for Chrissie....

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Have a look at http://www.prevention.com/cda/feature2002/0,4780,s1-5350-P,00.html

Its worked for me, 53lbs lost now, it was fairly speedy to start and now its steady (1 year later)but my eating habits have completley changed, its healthy and no beating yourself up over eating the 'wrong' things now and then.

Atkins is Ok for some but I found it difficult and really if you follow it through to stage 3 rather than stick at the restrictive first phase its pretty much like South Beach.

IMHO cutting processed food out of your diet is a BIG help whichever method you use

Bon Chance!

PS There is also something on line called www.fitday.com, thats quite useful too.(Its free but there is a paying version too)

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I went on Atkins last year, 13 October, about the same time Gay started on South Beach (try this link for South Beach) I think I would have done South Beach if I had had the book since its not as drastic as Atkins and you can have pulses, which I missed! But I had already bought Atkins Diet Revolution so stuck with that.

To date I have lost 32.5 kg or 5 stone 1 1/2 pounds, and am still losing. I am using my own modified version of Atkins, which incorporates some South Beach bits, as well as things I have read and found on the internet. Basically I do very low Glycemic load, as that is what works for me.

I have found that exercise is absolutely essential and will be the difference on whether I lose or not in a given week (I weigh myself once a week only.) I bike, walk and started Pilates last week, I do 8 basic beginner exercises every day and I am already seeing results with that!

My weight loss has slowed but I am still losing. I find when I hit a plateau, which is more and more frequent, I can break through it by a bit more exercise and cutting down on my carb intake for a few days. And drinking more water!

Good luck in what ever you choose. I look on mine not as a diet anymore, but my way of eating for the rest of my life.

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For anyone who can get UK television, Richard and Judy are repeating the pre Christmas diet feature they did last year, which is 'glycemic' index based. Last week one of last years 'guinea pigs' was on the show, she has continued to lose and says its a way of eating for life......

Happy Slimming

PS There is a forum for South Beach - which is certainly an education - in forums, if not in slimming

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This might help - I copied it from the South Beach forum some time ago:


Although the SBD says no counting calories or much of anything else, CALORIES DO COUNT. If one needs to lose weight fewer calories must go into the body. If we don't burn more than we take in, of course, we will gain, not lose. I have read many posts about people not losing and after they state what they have been eating i.e. lots of string cheese, lots of nuts, etc., adding back the carbs, but not taking out some of the Phase I things After others have suggested keeping track of their calorie count for a few days to see how much they are actually eating, I am posting below the BEE - Basal Energy Expenditure formula that Diatitians use for sick people in the hospital.This formula defines the amount of caloris needed to maintain present weight while sleeping. It is a more accurate tool than the other formulas people use to determine this.

1. Convert height inches to centimeters ______ x 2.54 = ___________ cm.

2. Convert pounds to Kilograms weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = _______________ kg.

3. Females: Centimeter height x 1.85 = _________ cmMales: Centimeter height x 5.0 = __________ cm.

4. Kilogram weight x 9.56 = _____________

5. Total of lines 3 & 4 = _______________

6. Add 655 to line 5 total = _____________

7. Your age x 4.7 for females and x 6.5 for males = ______________

8. Subtract line 7 from line 6 - Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE)

9. Multiply #8 total by activity level - Total Daily Calories to maintain present weight while sleeping.

ACTIVITY LEVELSSEDINTARY (x 1.1) - Desk job - Sit most of the day - No structured exerciseLIGHT (x 1.2) - Work at home or outside - Very little sitting during day - No structured exercise - Occasional walk outdoorsMODERATE (x 1.3) - Have children at home - Very little sitting - Structured exercise 3-4 times a weekHIGH ACTIVITY (x 1.4) - Physical work outside home - Structured exercise 5-7 times a week.

EXAMPLE 62 year old person 5'5" TALL AND WEIGHS 195 POUNDS

(1) 65" x 2.54 = 165.1 cm

(2) 195 lbs. divided by 2.2 - 88.636363.....kg.

(3) Female: 165.1 x 1.85 = 305.435 Male: 165.1 x 5.0 = 825.5(4) Kg. Weight x 9.56 (88.6363 x 9.56 = 850.90848)

(5) Total lines 3 & 4 = Female 305.435 + 850.90848(6) Female Add 655 = 1811.3434(5) Male 825.5 +850.90848 =1676.4848

(6) Add 655 = 2331.4848

(7) Female Age 62 x 4.7 = 291.4 Male Age 62 x 6.5 = 403

(8) Subtract Line 7 from Line 6 Female 1811.3434 - 291.4 = 1519.9434 = BEEMale 2331.4848 - 403 = 1928.44848 = BEE

(9) Multiply #8 total by activity level = Total daily calories to maintain present weight

I chose Sedintary levelFemale 1519.9434 x 1.1 = 1671.9377Male 1928.4848 x 1.1 = 2121.3332

If you are interested in figuring out what you really need to maintain or to lose weight this formula is a very good tool. I hope the above makes sense to you.


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My OH has "done" cabbage soup in the past and it's always worked, weight loss is rapid, there's no doubt about it.  BUT no matter how strict you are afterwards, it all piles back on.  Also, you might want to check your blood group first (or discuss with doctor) for some people feel seriously unwell on the bananas and milk day. 

Like another poster he's currently on his own version of Atkins and South Beach (thanks for that tip long ago, Gay), which he too regards now as a way of eating for life.  He's lost 10 KG in three months but eats loads. 

Talking of blood groups, friend of mine started experiencing bloated stomach, crippling stomach pains, etc. so bad that her doctor sent her off for a series of tests including barium meals,  edoscopes, etc, I mean bad news tests.  She was worried sick, as we all were, convinced it was major.  They even opened her up on the operating theatre but doctors still couldn't find anything.  Pain persisted.  Sitting in the surgery waiting room one morning woman next to her says, "have you tried the blood group diet?".  After another worthless meeting with doctor she went off to shop and bought said book.   Followed the diet for her particular blood group religiously.  Bloated stomach began to disappear within days, pain too after a week/ten days.  Within a fortnight she was completely cured after after almost four months of often intolerable pain and subsequent worry.  It was a wheat intolerance.  She has since passed on tip to a friend in UK who has now come off long hospital waiting list as she too is cured.  Worth considering.



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Watched Loraine Kelly on GMTV this morning. They had three women on who all suffered from various things, bloating, eczma (? not sure I spelt that right) and migraines.

They had agreed to undergo food intolerance tests with a new blood test kit you can apparently buy.

The lady with the bloating after eating I can relate to. Many times I have woken in the morning feeling fine, but within a few hours and especially after eating, felt like my trousers, skirts were cutting me in half. Turns out she's intolerant to cows milk, aubergines, and a couple of other things.

The lady with the eczma was allergic to cows milk (again), nuts, potatoes, amongst other things.

The lady with the migraines had a whole list of foods she was intolerant to, but this was because they discovered she had a digestive disorder probably brought about by too many painkillers taken to relieve her migraines.

All three have agreed to undergo a food rotating diet over the next four weeks and will be back on telly in four weeks time with the results.

All sounds very interesting.

Apparently you can find out more on www.gm.tv. Click on the LK Today tab. It's called Eat Yourself Better.


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Thats a bit flippant, really. It is also the basis of every diet. So why didn't it work for me all these years I have been trying to lose weight? Don't know. I do know that what I have been following has allowed me to reduce my mass significantly, safely and slowly. I am continuing to lose weight on modified Atkins. I didn't lose weight on low-fat and exercise. Each to their own.

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Sorry if I sounded flippant and I had no wish to offend anyone.  However I do get mad that the dieting industry is making obscene amounts of money by taking advantage of people's unhappiness about their size when, as you say, the basis of every diet is to eat less and move more - you don't need to go out and buy expensive books, etc., to do that.  Mind you I think dieting clubs are a good thing because they help motivate and support people. 

Diets don't work because they are normally used on a short term basis and as soon the person goes back to their normal eating habits the weight just goes back on again.  The bottom line is that to lose weight and keep it off takes a total change of eating habits forever.  It's depressing but true.  Atkins definitely seems to work for a lot of people, but I'm not sure I'd want to be on it long term because the possible negative health affects aren't really known yet.  Horizon did a very interesting documentary on the Atkins diet and why it seems to be successful.  The conclusion was that although it doesn't seem like it, when you are on Atkins you are still actually eating less than you did previously, but because the emphasis is on protein, you feel more satisfied by the amount you eat and that's the secret of it's success.

There is no getting away from the science of weight loss though and that is if you eat less than you used to, but up your exercise by a lot more than you used to, you will lose weight and if you keep doing that and don't revert back to old eating habits, the weight will stay off.  


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I totally agree with you Chouette.

I have been on one diet or another (got the book and the T-shirt) for many years. Each time I lose weight, I feel great, then gradually you think you can get away with just that "little bit extra" and before you know it you are either back to where you started or in my case now way beyond it.

I did a low carbohydrate diet for 3 months and lost 22lbs. Brilliant I thought. After I got to my goal, I managed to keep the weight in check for a couple of months but soon got back into my old eating habits. I have now put all that weight back on plus a bit more.

Eating less (or more of the right things - fruit and veg) and exercise is the key. Although I started this "thread" I am still struggling to find the motivation to get going on a new regime. Plus the fact I have just had visitors from England for the weekend and they gave me a 650g bar of Cadbury's Fruit & Nut, which if I don't eat, my husband will and then I will feel deprived.

Why ever to we get into this negative mindset at this time of year - any psycho-analysts out there!!


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Jan, I think it is just a little more complicated - yes, eat less do more is a great way to lose weight, the ideal, but in reality it is hard (for me at least) to include enough exercise in our everyday lives.

If you add to that what we know now about Glycemic index, peaks and troughs of sugar basically making you hungry, and the fact that processed food seems to have ingredients which are virtually addictive in them, then the picture is a little murkier.

You know what they say, every journey starts with a single step........after being in 'maintenance' mode for a while I have decided to try and lose 5lbs, possibly 7lbs before Christmas. So my first step is today...........anyone else joining in ?

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Yeah, Ok Gay, go on then...

I am at 93kg. I would like to be under 88kg before Christmas. I am doing Atkins, Pilates and my Cardiac walking. Haven't done any cycling because of the weather (I'm a wimp...)

Want to post every so often to catch up with how we are doing?

Anyone else game??

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Just take up gardening as a profession!

I had an imposed rest of 6 weeks a couple of months back (convalescence) and gained a stone and a half (we also had guests staying for some of that time so ate and drank loads more than usual).

Anyway, am back at work now and am losing it pretty quickly. Had to - I have no elasticated clothes!

Have also cut out cheese, butter, all snacks, and reduced wine intake to one glass a night!! Apart from that I eat everything and anything. 

It works!



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Thanks Belinda

That's quite a useful website.

So I've worked out I would like to get to 69.8kg before Christmas and my final goal weight will be 63.5kg.

I have a couple of friends out here who would also like to lose a bit, so I'll have a chat with them next time I see them and ask if they want to join in.

Shall we say Tuesdays are our regular weighing in day?

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I would love to join you but I will not weigh myself.  Haven't any scales for a start!  Stopped getting weighed years ago when I starved all week and found out I'd put on two pounds.

I will start on Atkins tomorrow morning and get the old tape measure out.  You will all inspire me.

As for the chocolate, best to eat it and get it out of the way.

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