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Cheap Cigarettes??? Anybody elde waiting?????

Ron Avery

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Not sure that this is the place for this but there is no forum topic for vices

Has anyone bought cheap cigarettes on the internet from a firm called European Cigarettes, they are based in Spain.  I bought some in June, about half the French price and these were delivered registered mail within a couple of weeks,
However placed two more orders in late September and early October, but have not yet received either of them although money for both orders has been banked by the Company (under MonteVino).  The company are still trading and respond to E mails, insisting the orders have been sent, but each time the despatch date changes, at one time they claimed the second order was sent even before it was placed:  They now say that they were sent on a sunday, but I didn't know that you can send registered post ion a Sunday, I am starting to get a funny feeling about this

Has anybody else experience of this company and have a good experience or are you waiting for orders?   Love to hear from you

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If you paid by credit card, then you could try getting a refund through the card company though as the legality of these cheap fags mail order people is in question, at least as far as customs services in most countries are concerned, you may just have to put it down to experience. The goods could well have been either seized by customs or, of course, nicked en route - assuming they were sent in the first place which from what you say could be doubtful. Sorry, but that's life.

It does sound very familiar to my experiences in buying disposable contact lenses on line, though as that is legal I got a refund from the credit card company.

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Thanks for the suggestions, however we are in France and there is no reason for French customs to have seized these packets as it is completelely legal to send cigarettes within the EU and certainly from Spain to France,.  At the moment I think it is more likely that they have not been sent or are en route, they could also have been stolen as the customs declaration states what they are.  I just wondersd if anybody else was in the same boat with this company
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Ron, I may be wrong, but I'm not sure it is completely legal. I know these sites say it is completely legal, but then the would, wouldn't they ?

For normal goods attracting VAT an individual can buy mail order within EU and benefit from lower pre tax prices and VAT rates.

However, alcohol & tobacco have duty levied which the Douaniers are also interested in. I understood that an individual can move dutiable goods personally across EU borders with the proviso that they are for his own use. In other words mail order of dutiable goods could attract a liability to duty.

I'm not a lawyer, but have followed the developments in this area during the last 15 years of living in various EU countries.

Bonne chance with the eventual delivery !


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Cheap cigarettes?  Sounds to me as if there is a mistake somewhere in that description as the consequences of all that puffing and coughing will be expensive sooner or later.

Put your money to better use like setting light to it, at least then you know what's happened to it.


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[quote]Hello Ron I am personally over the moon that you have not received your cheap cigs. Perhaps you will find it economically not viable to to harm yourself and others around you. By the way it is much c...[/quote]

Well thats really helpful. Surely what he does, providing he does not break the law, is his affair and nothing to do with you.

Must be a reformed smoker.

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[quote]Hello Ron I am personally over the moon that you have not received your cheap cigs. Perhaps you will find it economically not viable to to harm yourself and others around you. By the way it is much c...[/quote]


I do not actually smoke, but my wife does, she has made her choice and I respect that please do the same.

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[quote]There's a consumer website I sometimes look at and on their 'sounding board' forum there is a complaint about European Cigarettes posted last month. The person had ordered 800 and 2 months later was...[/quote]

Thank you for a very helpful reply

 non smoker Ron


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Thankws to sterotype I have now found that I am not te only one waiting weeks for cigarettes from European Cigarettes, although I am not yet sure they are fraudsters.

As far as John's posts are concerned, it is a pity that he did  not explain his reasoning for his original post, although I do object to it being suggested that I hang myself

As he has had a painful experience with smoking I will withdraw my comments back to him 

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