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Wine to UK

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If you go into your browser and type in "Bergerac" a site will come up with lots of info about the region including lists of all the wine co-operatives in the area.  I am sure any one of them will ship wine for you - but, because of the weight, it might be a bit expensive.  My favourite co-op is in Sigoules but as I am moving to Le Fleix I am going to have to try theirs too.



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I am not 100% sure, but I think if you do not bring it over yourself, there may be tax issues

I say this because I have ordered in the past through Vin Nicolas who do an online service, and as soon as you put in a UK address, the price goes up   However the service was very good and not too expensive


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"I am not 100% sure, but I think if you do not bring it over yourself, there may be tax issues"

Would that be because it would not be for your own personal use? I saw a TV programme last week on tobacco imports and HM Customs and Excess were making exactly that point - own use is OK, presents = taxed. So you could be in trouble even if you brought it over yourself (how much wine and other stuff is bought for presents? Quite a lot I would have thought).
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