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Belinda, you look lovely, I always imagined you to be older

Not even going to bother weighing in as I know I,ve put on weight. Running around for everyone at the moment, helping my brother move, looking after my nephew while they move and eating RUBBISH instead of sitting down and eating properly.

Will try.......Janey

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Went to Paris for the weekend, walked and walked and walked, kilometres and kilometres and kilometres.

Now I have this awful desire to keep on walking, and I haven't used the car for local journeys since then.  I've walked to the Post Office, walked to the Mairie, walked to visit people.... but guess what, today it's raining, so suddenly it's not so attractive.   So much for my good intentions!

At the same time as this abnormal desire for physical exercise, I've stopped snacking, although it does mean that my caffeine intake has increased dramatically.  

Will I make it down to 62 kg for Christmas?  Will I brave the rain and walk to La Poste again?

Who knows...... keep up the good work, everyone.  You're in the right country for dieting! 

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While looking for Januarys British Patchwork & Quilting I came across a mag called 'Low Carb Energy' - lots of recipes and links.

You may like to bookmark these, ready for the New Year

(by the way it looks as if most of them will ship to France and one, dietline, has a French site)










So far I have stuck to unprocessed foods, but sometimes it would just make a change to have say, low carb mash.....I'm easily pleased!!

Hope they are useful

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I shall investigate those links later.  Thanks Gay.

Been rubbish these past few days but received an invitation to lunch at the weekend.  So, I thought, make an effort for two days.  Got measured this morning to see how much I had ballooned and I had lost two cm!!!!!!!  Still feel like a balloon though.

Four times I measured myself.  Even put my glasses on

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Oh my goodness I can't believe I've just logged on and found a thread about dieting - in France. Seriously though, a book was published in UK  recently called French Women Dont Get Fat. There were excerpts in the Daily Telegraph.  Well we all know how slim the majority of french women are (don't we? .

The basic messages seemed to be -

Take your food seriously and enjoy it.

Always sit down to a meal, laying the table properly.

Dont eat on the hoof or between meals.

Eat everything but learn to balance your meals so that for instance if you know you are eating out that evening, then have a very light lunch.

Eat bread (again eat everything).

Never go 'on a diet'.

Dont sweat on exercise but build activity into your normal life ie, walk when you can, take the stairs etc.

I know when I go to France I eat far too much, while my (skinny) french friends eat far less than me. No doubt they realise they can eat delicious food whenever they like and therefore dont need to gorge - like me!

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WHAT!!!!!!!!  Do you mean to say it is trick photography when she stands behind the lamp stand and you can't see her?


The French eat differently.  You won't find them sitting down to stew and dumplings or a nice Yorkshire and gravy.  I offer them.  More for me.  (Especially dumplings!)

Little bits of lots of courses.  Here anyway.  As said before, I just miss out three or four of them.

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I don't know who on the forum is living in France, and who visits often like me so.....

All I know is that when I do move to France next year I'm going to have to alter my eating habits or I will just balloon!  They do eat, and eat well, just differently and I'm gonna have to do the same.

I love my food, but I don't want to be a podgy rosbif.

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