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The other thread takes forever!

Got measured today instead of tomorrow to join the rest of you.  Obviously, if I had waited until tomorrow I would have lost another foot....  Also, it doesn't give the chocolate covered marzipan I made yesterday a chance to get a hold

Well, more good news.  1.5cm off the waist and 1cm off the hips.  Very pleased.  So in nearly three weeks that is 5.5 and 6cm.  Over two inches!  Getting down to the core fat now  That will be stubborn and difficult to shift.

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Back down again to what I was, 92kg/14 stones 6 pounds.

I'm happy with that because I was a bit reckless over the weekend with the booze...

Just going to try to do the same this week! Oh! And my 'thin jeans' feel like my 'fat ones' this morning!! I didn't have to suck it in and jump up and down to zip them up, in fact, the zip overlaps now slightly.... amazing...

Another dress size bites the dust!

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Aren't we just the greatest!

Now you know why I won't get weighed.  Feeling your clothes hang off you and not having lost an ounce......

Going to have another gin and tonic Saturday night.  Alright.  Three!  BIG ones!  I suppose if I put more gin in there will be less room for the tonic so a tin might stretch to four

Sunday morning!

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Oh dear - UP 0.6kg this morning   What am I doing wrong.  Thought I'd been so good last week.

Now have copy of Cabbage Soup Diet - looks gross and although I have contemplated doing it - I don't think I will now.  It's probably OK in a "controlled environment", but too much scope to get it wrong.  And whats with the 20oz of steak or chicken and 28oz of tomatoes in one sitting !!!  

Well done to everyone else though - I will try harder this week.


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Well, I only lost 1.3 kilos but have been a bit naughty, had a couple of glasses of wine, had a bit of milk in my tea and last night nibbled on things at my choir,s appero, but I haven,t had any bread,potatoes pasta etc. Can someone please tell me something tasty to have for breakfast apart from eggs and bacon, don,t like cheese apart from the 0 per cent fromage blancs. Don,t really know if I should be eating that many eggs as I have a really high cholestorol level. Also had cravings for orange juice all week.


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Depends what diet you are following.  Bacon and mushrooms?  Bacon and tomatoes?  Sausages?  Great big doorstep of toast?  Sorry!  Lost control there for a second

I have boiled eggs/eggs and bacon/bacon and mushrooms.  Like you, I have never eaten so many eggs.  The Girls aren't laying in this cold weather either.

Anyway, what is with this ONLY?  1.3kg is good.  Over two pound.  Must be very nearly THREE!

Gold star to Janey.

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Alexis, I,d love a slice of toast but I,m on the Southbeach Diet so can,t have it. Had a eucky day today and think I,m going to give in to temptation, a nice glass of red wine or white. Will try not to ! It,s hard, I,m cold, miserable and don,t want to be on a diet but then again I want to look nice for Christmas.


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You must be on week 1 or 2 then, see if you can hold out but if not, can you get something from the Phase 2 menu ?

Eat it with protein and it won't be too bad.

Once I got onto Phase 2 I started having a small bowl of All bran and an egg, sometimes a glass of tomato juice.(doesn't sound very exciting but it suits me)

Remember you are doing these first two weeks to break the troughs and peaks of sugar syndrome, you are not in ketosis or anything like that.(so if you do give in its not the end of the world, or diet, just get back to the plan asap)

Good Luck - think of those Christmas outfits

PS If you really feeling cold make some soup, quick and easy to make SBD friendly one with a few veg and some stock.

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Calling all South Beach Dieters - what's it like?  Is it really hard? (I think I'm a carbo addict).

I'm not doing at all well cutting back on my food intake at the moment.  If I get hungry, I feel nauseus and feel like I'm going to pass out and I'm not losing weight.

I'm back to England next week to visit family & friends before Christmas, so thought I'd drop into WHSmith and buy the book.  Does the book have recipes in it?  Is it easy to follow?

All info gratefully accepted.


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There is lots on the internet about South Beach or look back to the old dieting thread where I posted some links.

Carb addict is probably right - carbs ARE addictive! Its all to do with your Glycemic index.

You really shouldn't be hungry on South Beach, after all you have a snack mid morning plus another in the afternoon, as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner.......never stop eating.......

I've lost 56lbs now, (another 1lb this week - yippee) the first 20lbs or so was within 3 months then just steady progress...its about a year now. I still have some to lose (New Years resolution is exercise more) but its painless, it really has become a way of eating.

There are a few recipes in the book, and it easy to follow, nothing complicated. Phase 1 (two weeks) foods are listed, then phase 2, then phase 3 (maintenance) There are tips etc.....

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I measure about the same this week.  If I really breathe in I have lost about a mm!  Sabotaged at the weekend chez the Outlaws.

Still.  Glad not to have put any on.  Must get back into the right frame of mind.

Two weeks and a bit to go until Christmas.......

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Hi all

Stayed the same this week.

Gay - thanks for tips on South Beach - you've done really well.  Will definately give it a go.  I've had a quick skim through some internet sites on the SBD, and will go back to them later, when I've finished chopping the wood

Won't be signing in next week as off to England for a brief visit.  No chance of losing weight next week as every evening already booked for a meal with various family and friends. 


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Janey said "It,s hard, I,m cold, miserable and don,t want to be on a diet but then again I want to look nice for Christmas."

Well, you looked perfectly lovely the last time I saw you.

If you're miserable, come on over and laugh at me.  I'll put a fire on, so you won't be cold either.     

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Good Morning, Dieting Diva's - its Tuesday and weigh in day again !!!

Not a good week on the dieting front here (a couple of meals out plus far too much red wine) but the tape measure is encouraging at least, I can see the bulk is slowly coming off my waist and hips but I actually weigh just the same as last week.

Have started walking to the shops rather than taking the car, and even walked back from Reading (just over a mile)after Christmas shopping. I felt very virtuous walking past the traffic jams

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Half a centimetre back on my waist!  Blast!  Could have been worse though.

I have discovered that 67 units a day is too much.  (60 being chocolate)  Well, I needed to know!  Still not in the right frame of mind but will try to keep to 50 a day.  Maintenance!!!  Testing my limits!!!  Or something!!!

My problem has been chocolate.  OH's Aunt gave us a box the other week.  Thing is, they aren't that good.  Certainly not good enough to break a diet for.....Doesn't stop me eating them though.  Nearly all gone....

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90.5 today! Thats 1kg/2.2 lbs less than last week! I do think that if I can possibly shift myself away from this warm living room, I might be able to get down below 90 kg before Christmas! This is a big thing for me as I have been above that point for seven years... But my régime is working and I have Photographic proof!


I can tell the difference 5 stones makes... can you? And I'd say, new glasses help as well...

OK, Outcast, since you asked so nicely...

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Wow, Belinda - you look fab! Such an inspiration... I have 6 or 7 st to lose and I can't seem to get a grip of anything to get started. I'd definately rather have a figure rather than a face (plastic surgery and all that!), I'll have to go back over the other posts and see if I can get inspired to actually start (tried the GI diet a couple of months ago but sabotaged myself within a couple of days.... boo hoo). Keep up the wonderful inspiration - all of you!

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