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Thank you TeamedUp 2


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Well, SB, you shouldn't be thinking of Teamed Up.  You should be thinking of your ligne!

I actually made this last night - from my own recipe - and there is half left.  No point in making a titchy one! 

I wonder if I could eat it all and convince OH he ate it up last night?


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[quote]Yes - I'm getting a bit frustrated by people thanking TU for these recipes and I don't know what they are! How about a Recipes section, Admin?[/quote]

This is the food and drink forum, would rather not make too many more sections.

Also there are some recently published recipes from the magazine here: http://www.livingfrance.com/lvfra/content/filoFrance/?id=286


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[quote]For the Pommes de Terre Gratinées/Dauphinoises recipe. It's easy, it's food fit for the gods, AND it impresses French people! And yes, I think of TeamedUp whenever I make it.[/quote]

SB - I still haven't seen this recipe yet. Any chance of you posting it?


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Gulp.   I knoz youùre not going to believe this feeble excuse; but I got q nez co,puter the dqy before yesterdqy; qnd the ,e,ory stick zouldnùt zork; qnd so everything useful qnd interesting is still on the old one: 

But look hoz zell I cqn touch)type on qn English keyboqrd: 

Sliced potqtoes; no need to do qnything fqncy zith the,:

Sprinkle eqch lqyer of potqtoes zith gqrlic grqnules qnd sqlt:

Qt the end; qdd q loqd of creq,

Teq,edUp; HELP ?E &&&&&&&

Did I ,iss qnything out; like cheese; I zonder§    Oh deqr oh deqr oh deqr; qll this qnd I hqvenùt even been drinking:   

?qybe I should:


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Oh Alexis, I am deeply shocked by such blasphemy.   You could get extradited for less.

Lardons in gratin dauphinois indeed.    I think I'll have to go and lie down in a darkened room.

SB exits stage left, muttering feverish quotes from the book of French Culinary Dogma.... e.g. a tartiflette can only EVER be made with Reblochon.  If you use ANY other cheese you canùt cqll it q tqrtiflette. 

Dick - qny creq, zill do:   Qnd garlic granules make life a zhole lot easier, and no-one will even notice.

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OK, thinly slice potatoes (about eighth of an inch thick)and I dry them in a clean tea towel.

Layer them in a buttered gratin dish and as layering, add a mean sprinkle of garlic granules and salt.

Then cover it all in long life cream, or creme fraiche if inclined. Dot with butter and sprinkle nutmeg on top.

Bake in a hot oven aroung 200°c for an hour to an hour to an hour and a quarter. This will depend on the potatoes really.

This is as it was given to me by a chef, it tastes just as it should.

Add anything else and it is not a gratin dauphinois, lardons or cheese and it is a gratin de savoie or lyon.


I never serve other veg with this.

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Sounds good Teamedup

As a variation try adding a few slices of smoked salmon.

I slice the potatoes really thin using a mandolin then layer them in an oven proof dish potatoes first, no garlic as it doesn't work well with smoked salmon I feel, then thin sliced onions, either use bits of salmon from a pack of bits or slice the salmon slices into strips as next layer, then repeat layers till the depth you fancy then finish with potatoes, salt and pepper each layer to taste.

I then pour in a splash of white wine and Microwave the dish on full for 10 minutes, as that is cooking mix half a tub of creme fraiche with about half as much white wine and add pepper liberally, when the dish comes out of the microwave, pour creme mix over the top and stick in a 210C oven for 20-25 minutes until cooked through and brown on top.

This is an excellent meal on its own with a green salad. If you are feeling really decadent, sprinkle a small amount of blue cheese in with the smoked salmon, it sounds an unlikely combination but ............mmmmmmm

Why am I a fat (sorry waistline enhanced) b**tard I wonder?
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I use agatha potatoes usually, or another one which has a slightly yellowier flesh and who's name escapes me for the moment. I don't think I've ever used waxy ones, as the starch in normal potatoes helps thicken in the cream. It can be eaten with the cream runny as long as the potatoes are cooked, but I like it to just be a that bit thickened naturally. The art is in catching it as you like to eat it over those last 10 minutes or so of cooking time.  

And this was the recipe for a gratin dauphinois. Add anything you want, but it is no longer a gratin dauphinois if you do. Also what a darned shame it is to add anything other than these very simple ingrediants to this exceptionally delicious dish. And I wouldn't actually use all that cream if I was adding other things, ie cheese, lardons, even salmon, I would use some milk instead.


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Unlike you Saligo Bay - a waster of crème fraiche - I occasionally open the fridge to use up bits of this and a lot of that.....  Hence the lardons in the gratin!  I never said it was gratin dauphinose.  No guillotine for me then.

Just ANOTHER marvel invented by me.  After someone else had done it first.  Naturally!

Try it!

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