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Dieting again


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Sorry about this.  Wouldn't let me on the other thread.

I am still the same.  I am back on track today though (ha ha!).  Bet you have heard that before!

The good news is that the Christmas cake is almost eaten and so are the chocolates.  Looks like I will have no choice in being angelic over Noel.

I was going to calculate how many centimetres I had lost since January but will wait until next week when it will have been a full year.  I won't tell you how many times that I lost 10 cm and then put them back on again

Enjoy Christmas and will see you back here next week.

Then we will have the resolutions to think up . . .

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Well, dieting diva's, its eat drink and be merry for me for the next few days - then back on the straight and narrow in January.

This weekend we went to Tescos and I noticed the big bags of potatoes - 27 lb each, lifted one, and I was quite surprised how heavy they seemed, then I realised that until 14 months ago I had been carrying around the equivalent of two of these in extra weight, I would still like to lose the equivalent of 3/4 of one !!! Very salutary!! (try visualising your weight in bags of sugar if you have less to lose)

As I'm keeping an eye on on-line sales at present I filled in www.landsend.co.uk virtual model. You fill in all your stats and it gives you a picture of your body type, tips to cover up faults etc and then you can 'try' on different clothes.....hi tech version of paper dolls but it does give you an idea of what shapes etc suit you best.......and if you go back and fill in the weight you would like to be, you can see the difference.

Have a fun Christmas, enjoy your food - you have all 2005 to be good !!

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Gay - I tried www.landsend.co.uk and my virtual me is really scary.  I haven't got a full length mirror in my "hovel" and it makes me realise how much I really DO need to lose weight.

Just come back from a week in England visiting family and friends before spending Christmas in France.  Why is it that everyone we visited seems to think that we either don't get the right food out here (they think we exist on snails and frogs legs) or that we miss good ol' English fare.

We were only there seven days and managed three lots of fish & chips, a full Sunday roast (on a Friday), a mini Christmas dinner etc. 

Now we are back, we have dinner for six tonight, a four course meal at the local Auberge tomorrow (for les Anglais - about 12 of us, organised by friends while we were away), dinner at the local bar on Friday (a regular thing), then Christmas with friends.

What hope is there of dieting.

However, while in England I got the South Beach Diet book and will be making a very good effort to lose some weight after Christmas, but then, on the other hand, my mum is coming over for 10 days and then we have to go back to England for a wedding at the end of January.  So despite my mum's efforts to sabbotage my plans (I know this will happen), I WILL lose weight before the wedding.

Anyway - whinges over.

Have a great Christmas all of you and a Happy New Year.


2005 Resolution - I WILL LOSE WEIGHT

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My weight was the same on Tuesday as it was last week.

... Now begins 9 days of being coddled by friends here in France in St Malo and also in the UK... I will do my best, but... I am going to enjoy myself, walk as much as I can, try to avoid the carbs, but I'm not beating myself up if I fail!....

Happy Christmas everyone and a prosperous New Year!

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I don't agree with 'diets' and to look at me you wouldn't believe that I am a healthy eating fanatic and exercise regularly.  But having made yet more adjustments to my normal eating regime:-

1. still smaller dinner portions (now eating smaller meal than my thin 10 year old)

2. not eating bread for lunch every day (replacing with either cereal or fruit and yoghurt or both)

3. increasing the amount of walking I do each week, though not by much

4. limiting treats quite strictly

I have lost nearly half a stone in the last 6-8 weeks, am the lightest I've been for a long time and luckily it has not been difficult.  Now facing the prospect of Christmas and don't want to put any back on.   Unfortunately, love all the Christmas type food, full Christmas dinner with trimmings, Christmas cake, mince pies, brandy butter, alcohol, etc., not to mention the chocolates and nuts. 

On the news today, they said the average Christmas calorie intake is 7,000! Help............ 

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Music monkey,

you are an example to us all.

Yes, to the smaller protions

Yes, to the exercise

Fewer "treats" as well

With all the above in mind let's all try and just hope we don't gain more than we need over Christmas!

Happy Christmas to you all,

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