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farine de mais


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How chilled out am I.  Sitting here on Christmas day with the turkey sizzling and the family watching junk tv.  Anyway - what do I use farine de mais for?  I mistakenly bought it thinking it might be cornflour in the English sense.  Although it has made a lovely cheese sauce, it obviously isn't the same.  What do I look for to buy the cornflour that we would buy in England, and now I have a kilo of the farine de mais - what can I do with that?  I'm a quarter of a bottle of floc down and feeling very well.  By the way - floc (red) would make a very acceptable substitute for sherry for the trifle. It certainly does in the glass. Merry Christmas


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perles de japon = tapioca
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Absolutely. Or frogspawn as we called it at school.

Some people put a little bit in soup to thicken it.

I bought some once for the latter purpose, having seen a tempting recipe, but recognised them just in time to think better of it. Several years later I fed the entire contents of the small box to some chickens who appeared to be delighted.

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[quote]How chilled out am I. Sitting here on Christmas day with the turkey sizzling and the family watching junk tv. Anyway - what do I use farine de mais for? I mistakenly bought it thinking it might be ...[/quote]

Cornflour is Fleur de Mais. comes in small packets as it does in the UK and often but not always under the Maizena brand name but be careful because there are other products from Maizena that look similar.

Liz (29)
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