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Complete France Forum

No Piggin room!


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There is an offer at our local Intermarche, demi porc 1 euro 80 cents per kilo. So Mr O asked the assistant `how heavy is half a pig....approx?`  20-25 kilos she says, So we order a half for this morning , jointed etc oh and you even get 1/2 head but no tongue!

Duly arrive this morning and in a moment of madness decide a trolley would be useful!  You bet, this 1/2 pig weighed in at 40 kilos!!!

So me being the sensible one of the family decided that this big piggy was too much to stuff in our freezer....himself would have pigged out ! and even the butcher said it was a big `un, so back to the shop tomorrow, when he will have 1/4rd it.

Must phone my mums friend in Uk for her pigs head recipe.....

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