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Reveillon lite ?


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For the last 5 years or so we have spent new year with the same group of people.

It was a serious affair : 200 people, live music, auld lang syne with the starter, 8 courses, unlimited free booze, get home wrecked at 07.00.

This year we decided not to go because we have my beloved in laws visiting. One of the group we normally spent the reveillon with said : look - my wife has to work, why don't we each do one course and have it chez nous (a 12thC chateau !).

We signed up for the champagne, dessert & cheese. What we had forgotten was that one of the others was an avid fisherman & hunter and another has vineyards & olive groves.

So our reveillon went like this :

Aperitifs with champagne, "sort of sanglier pate sausage rolls", fresh tapenade, fresh oriental fishballs.

Pate de foie gras

Assiette de fruits de mer

Fresh fish terrine with olives

Fresh Sanglier (excellent)



Coffe & petit fours


Cherries pickled in eau de vie

All very enjoyable and we even got home early at 03.30 !

And today we felt much better after having had just a rapid bite !

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Jellied eels

Mature (as in old mild) Cheddar

Pickled onions

Pan Yan pickle

Sliced Bread

Party 4

A conga or two

Jools Holland (pretty weak show this year, even Eric only offered Robert Johnson stuff !)

4 party poppers (between 6 of us) and one leftover Xmas cracker.

Yep, us poor folk can still mix it wiv the toffs


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We had a brilliant réveillon, although I won't be rushing out to eat pigeon again.    Par contre, my two big Pavlovas were BRILLIANT - so simple, but so good. 

I think I mentioned elsewhere that I remembered doing the karaoke version of Claude Framboise's Cette Année La, and I didn't even need the words (how sad is that!).  However, on reflection, this was clearly a false memory and couldn't possibly ever have happened.

Happily tho, the wearing of a short skirt and fishnet tights meant that I didn't have to do any break-dancing (too traumatic for the children).  At least, I don't think I did....... 

Ah well.  Happy New Year to you all! 

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[quote]No bubble and squeak? Nothing wrong with R Johnson - it's Clapton![/quote]


The old Bubble was taken in the morning with the rest of the party 4 !!

Know what you mean but Robert Johnson has a lot better stuff than the songs Eric played on Jools show. That was what really disappointed me I guess.

Strange, when I look back at all the times we saw these people, some many moons ago now and yep, knew the Toby Jug venue very well but as you will know, there were better places around at the same time, or slightly earlier, especially up West (as we called it) and around the Richmond area.

Managed a few ESB's this Xmas but bad time at Kempton, even the Frenchman let me down this year !!

Happily tho, the wearing of a short skirt and fishnet tights meant that I didn't have to do any break-dancing (too traumatic for the children).  At least, I don't think I did....

Have you asked the question SB? Do they look traumatised ? Are they avoiding eye contact ? Do they look like they just don't want to talk about something ?

These are all the signs I look for (and I have had much reason to do so over the years) when I just know Dad has been "iffy" the night before. My wardrobe has been depleted over the years but I can still get kitted out at a moments notice for a fancy dress, I even have the outfit that you felt might just have been the turning point in your childs education.

Hopefully you stopped just short of the spinning on the forehead, fingers crossed.....................



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Hopefully you stopped just short of the spinning on the forehead, fingers crossed.....................

I may never know.   I certainly don't remember crossing my fingers or anything else, but I thought the carpet-burn on the forehead was just a rather nasty pigeon allergy.

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[quote]Hopefully you stopped just short of the spinning on the forehead, fingers crossed..................... I may never know. I certainly don't remember crossing my fingers or anything else, but I tho...[/quote]

Oh dear SB,

I think you will find that with the fingers crossed scenario it is certain to be carpet mite burn.

Doc gave me a prescription for ante bacterial carpet shampoos to rub in but none of them worked. Cleared it up in the end with the hire of a carpet shampooing machine, didn't look clever whilst Tina spread the foam on mon tete but a few days of discomfort and no one was any the wiser, try it, what have you got to lose but street cred with the kiddos and sadly SB, that may have long gone to the land of jimmysavillio.............. mine did.

herhhh, herrrh herrhh,  now then,  now then  


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