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Cold starter recipe needed


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We have occasional 'safari' dinners but the difference is that we take the courses to one persons house. I need a nice cold starter that will travel. I love cooking but I prefer to make sweet dishes. I am happy for a starter that takes a bit of time to prepare the day before or the morning of the day. Smoked salmon, salmon and mousses are out - as are prawn or mussel dishes. Any suggestions please - I am sure TU will have a wonderful recipe at her fingertips .


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I have loads of fishy cold starters. So thinking cap on.

What sort of meal is to follow too.

I can think of gado gado.

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Crudities..... grated carrots, beetroot, tomatoes, celeriac and hard boiled eggs and a nice sauce to go with it....

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Both these dishes can be put in plastic containers from which they can be served.

As you make bread and I know how much the french love home baked bread, I have a recipe for a ham/smoked ham pate that is really easy which I serve with home made bread.

There is home made pizza.

Quiche lorraine.

Both of which I have served cold.

I hadn't realised how many fishy starters I make until, fish was out on this one.

I'm sure other posters will have rather more interesting suggestions....... although I love both gado gado and crudities, simple but just so good.


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One of our daughters is staying at the moment and she made a starter with mushrooms. What a treat to have someone else to do the cooking!      Slice some mushrooms thinly and stew in a mixture of red wine, grated ginger, garlic and a little soy sauce. Reduce the sauce to a syrup. Eat hot or cold. You will need to dress it up with salad bits, sesame seeds etc. Pat.
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Thanks TU and PatF for your suggestions. The people attending are English and I said no fish as I wanted to ring the changes. It is wild mushroom time here so the mushroom starter is a good idea. Please keep the ideas coming as I store them as text files on the PC.
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Well I always find hard boiled eggs with a fancy salad and a covering of mayonaise mixed with flaked tuna fish very popular and usually handy in the fridge and cupboard. You can add things like Kiwi,celeriac,artichoke hearts,palm hearts to ordinary lettuce salade for a change and pretty up with a few prawns or Surimi rapé. Dosn't cost the earth and with a bit of fresh crusty bread fills up well so you can cut the main course down a little.
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Thanks FA but the starter last time was a terrine - love the recipe though. I may make the Puy lentil salad or do something with eggs and tuna (a slant on the idea from Val 2). I have also made notes of the other ideas as we will be doing this again.

I bought a little book of egg recipes today and also bought some supert Shetland Isles smoked salmon at half price (most is in the freezer). I made an omlette with creme fresh and fresh parmesan and served with the salmon as per recipe - fantastic. Now I wish I had had this a few years ago when I was in a stand-up row with someone who claimed that the only way to make an omlette was with eggs and water - no milk products allowed or it became scrambled egg. As I had been cooking since I was twelve and some of it helping out in our pub kitchen I was really peeved when I lost as everyone agreed eggs and water were the only way.

Ah well, time for the red wine, and thanks again everyone.

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Thanks FA but the starter last time was a terrine - love the recipe though. I may make the Puy lentil salad or do something with eggs and tuna (a slant on the idea from Val 2). I have also made notes of the other ideas as we will be doing this again.

I bought a little book of egg recipes today and also bought some supert Shetland Isles smoked salmon at half price (most is in the freezer). I made an omlette with creme fresh and fresh parmesan and served with the salmon as per recipe - fantastic. Now I wish I had had this a few years ago when I was in a stand-up row with someone who claimed that the only way to make an omlette was with eggs and water - no milk products allowed or it became scrambled egg. As I had been cooking since I was twelve and some of it helping out in our pub kitchen I was really peeved when I lost as everyone agreed eggs and water were the only way.

Ah well, time for the red wine, and thanks again everyone.

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What about

melon balls in port or even Pineau (local aperitif).  You can flambé it if you're brave enough!

Tomato and Mozzerella avec Balsamic, bit of shredded basil, not very french but works!

Cold soup. Doesnt sound fab but during warmer months, can work well. Gazpacho with some good bread!

Asparagus (when in season) with a sauce - blue cheese, hollandaise?

Make a salad and use framboise vinaigrette (goats cheese/mushrooms) - delighful!

Must admit losing the fish option really makes you think!





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