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Having suffered the empty shelves of Sugar Puffs and recently Alpen Original, we are hit by a double whammy.

Branston Pickle crisis followed by Worcester Sauce health risks. What is the world coming to ?

And why did Carrefour / Champion never re order English best back bacon after foot & mouth disease ?

On a slightly different note : does anyone know how many gallons of Worcester Sauce could be fatal ? And in what timeframe ? I only ask because my mother in law has taken a liking to it !


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[quote]But is wasn't Lea and Perrins that was affected, so you are in luck. http://www.food.gov.uk/safereating/sudani/sudanlist I know what you mean though, I'll find some treat and buy it and get...[/quote]

It is very presumptious of you to assume that everyone buys the Lea & Perrins brand of Worcestershire Sauce....
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I know that there are other makes.

I remember my son working in his first restaurant and the chef couldn't get hold of lea and perrins and they had had to buy heinz worcester sauce instead. Several customers sent meals back with the alternate sauce in it and my son was saying that the chef was going mad as it was not the same stuff at all, and did we know where we could get some for him.

So there may be others and obviously people do buy them, but after hearing that, if I can't get Lea and Perrins I do without. As I only buy Heinz Ketchup, sometimes some makes just seem to get it right, for us at least.


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On a slightly different note : does anyone know how many gallons of Worcester Sauce could be fatal ? And in what timeframe ? I only ask because my mother in law has taken a liking to it !


There was something in the Grauniad today.  See http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,1425795,00.html


Some interesting points are:


Professor John Henry, clinical toxicologist at Imperial College:  With Sudan 1, we have a very small risk. The dye would have been added to the chilli in very small amounts, and then massively diluted."


Dr Vyvyan Howard, leading expert in foetal toxicology at Liverpool University: said there was an overarching argument for reducing exposure to carcinogens as far as possible. "You have an increasing cancer incidence in the western world - up 50% in the UK since the 1970s. When I was born in 1946 there was a one in four lifetime risk of getting cancer, now it's one in three. For American males it is nearly one in two."  - - - he also said, that other carcinogens in food such as acrylamide present a higher risk than Sudan 1. Acrylamide is a chemical produced in foods high in starch that have been cooked or processed at high temperatures, such as chips, breads, crackers, crisps and cereals. "It's nasty stuff, there's more of it and it's in more foods."


Professor Alan Boobis, a member of the government's advisory committee on carcinogenicity of chemicals in food, has suggested that the risk of eating foods adulterated with very diluted Sudan 1 is the equivalent of the risk associated with smoking one cigarette in a lifetime.


So, I think we’re talking tanker loads.

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[quote]On a slightly different note : does anyone know how many gallons of Worcester Sauce could be fatal ? And in what timeframe ? I only ask because my mother in law has taken a liking to it ! Quote "There was something in the Grauniad today. "

Ye Gods pantouflard have you been on the vino again..............What the hells the Grauniad a local french newspaper.....

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