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Complete France Forum

Can I join you all?


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Good morning,

I have been admiring your support group for a while, and am wanting to know if I can join in?

I am not in France yet, stuck in Staffordshire with a house that refuses to sell

We have a years rental organised in Lot et Garonne, so before the temptation of goats cheese and tartes au pommes, I have started Slimming World on-line, but its a lonely old business.

I'm 80k now, need desperately to be 68-70k before the rental starts in September.  Younger daughter gets married August Bank Holiday saturday, ex husband and my ex best friend (now married) will be there and I'm d****d if they will have the opportunity to smirk at me..........is that sad, or what. Would you feel the same?  My present hubby doesn't understand, maybe its a woman thing!

Do you still weigh in on Tuesdays?


Foolish woman, have just noticed that my post has missed your topic, hope it still catches some of you.

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Hi Lorna.

Stuck in Staffordshire, trying to diet, and surrounded by Wrights Pies is no easy situation.

Perhaps Forum Admin or a mod could transfer your post above to the Dieting 2005 thread, if that was the one you meant to join in with???



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Never mind the Wright's pies, what about those wonderful oatcakes ?

I'm sure every woman will understand how you feel Lornameg.

Tresco -I've tried and failed to move this post. I don't think the technology exists, but perhaps someone more technically able than me can do it.


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Thanks for trying to move me. I'll make sure my next post goes to the right place. Staffordshire today is wet & windy, with the general election 4 weeks away...if I needed any reminders of why I want to join you all!!!
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Lornameg - just duplicate the post to the right thread - we do weigh in on Tuesdays but I'm afraid some of us have been back sliding A new member will encourage us !

I'm on South Beach - long term and that really seems easy, sensible etc (and I did lose 13lbs in a fortnight the first time I did phase 1, very encouraging , but I was VERY overweight and that doesn't happen for anyone) Take a look at


Welcome to the group (with probably the longest thread, with no disagreements, ever !)

PS Of course one of us, Forum Admin, is actually trying to put on weight
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lornameg you are in for a disappointment if you think France is always warm and sunny. I grant you it has been this week. From tomorrow it is going to get worse and husband is at work this week and when he is free this weekend and must lay some concrete the forecast is snow and rain...... and that is way down here in the SE. French weather is often not what one imagines even down on the Med coast.
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[quote]Good morning, I have been admiring your support group for a while, and am wanting to know if I can join in? I am not in France yet, stuck in Staffordshire with a house that refuses to sell We have...[/quote]

The ex-best friend and the ex-husband are now married to each other? I would totally feel the same way. Absolutely the moment to look stunning and slim and radiant. They are all very friendly in the dieting 2005 thread, and it is only Wednesday, I'd just go and post your weigh in if I were you, nobody will mind.

It is a lovely 22 here today, though as TU says it is going to turn nasty at the weekend, but it is just glitch.
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You can look stunning and radiant without being slim!   A smile is worth at least 15 kgs.

Wear something you are happy in and set out for a day you are going to enjoy.  So your husband's now with your best friend????   GOOD - that way they are saving two other people from being unhappy......!

Have fun

Chrissie (81)




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You all do me a power of good, thanks.

Had a good day today, tempted to jump on the scales, but I know I'd be devastated if I haven't lost.  Eating out twice this weekend...one is a buffet, that has got to be the hardest to cope with, think I'll have a bowl of homemade soup before I go, trouble is, soup isn't as good as quiche or sausage roll or vol au vents....but now I know I will have to confess all to you on Tuesday I may just have the power to resist.

Forecast for hail storms tomorrow, already snowing in Scotland.  Hope you all escape the worst of it


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