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Dairylea Cheese Spread


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Love Laughing Cow and tomato sandwiches but my daughter won't go near the stuff after seeing how it is made and it put her off for life. Best not to ask,just enjoy. When I am feeling naughty I take one and eat it whole because when we were young,we had to share a Dairylea with a sibling and could only have it on bread as they were quite expensive to buy back then. Do you remember Primula spread too, especially the prawn one and the tomato flavours? Is that still around?
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I have noticed this effect before when you have posted.

you are using quite a large font - could this be the cause?

back to the thread

Vache Qui Rit is a more than tasty cheese spread if that is what you are missing - but as others have said do try some of the many other cheeses as well.

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I may have moved to France and love all things French but that doesn't mean that I don't yearn for the odd British foodstuff once in a while. I have tried many French cheeses and some are yummy and others don't bear thinking about, particularly the ones that looked like they have been rolled in the fluff that lives under the bed!!!!! - a bit like British cheese I suppose!! Anyway - doesn't Britain produce more types of cheese than France?

No doubt that are a few French men in Britian that hanker after that revolting bright green drink that tastes like mouthwash!!
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Also love the "apericubes".  Little cubes served with aperitifs of different flavoured laughing cow cheeses.  Onion, tomato, ham, pepper, paprika, blue cheese etc.  Anyone else been given these at a french friends house whilst having a little apertif?  They are lovely.

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smaller font does not seem to have solved anything. Not only your posts but any that follow yours are similarly affected. The text on your postings only reaches half way across the column and not to the edge. Is there anything in your set up which may cause this? 

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Love Apericubes, we put them over our salads, instead of feta!

Bryan, i've posted without changing anything, also tried changing fonts & sizing & colour (selecting a colour doesn't register!) But my postings still distort & distort any after mine. The only thing i've noticed is that, where it says IP logged under everyones name, mine doesn't. It's pushed over towards the right. I'm pretty dense when it comes to computers anyway but can't understand why it happens when i don't change or select anything!

Sorry folks!!!



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[quote]You may as well eat soap! France is a country of 250 different cheeses. Live a little.[/quote]

Quite agree Logan!!

In UK my kids never ate Dairylea, it made them heave at the mere sight of it. On holidays with their French grandparents, they astonished them by refusing to eat 'Vache qui rit' but never said no to a good chunk of Munster, Reblochon, Tome de Savoie, Roquefort, St Agur, Bleu d'Auvergne, Fourme d'Ambert, St Nectaire, Soignon, Ste Maure, Cabicou, Brie de Meaux, Livarot etc...

Just good milk for a good dose of calcium that is all that is needed.

None of that emulsifier, flavour enhancer, added vitamin, E-rubbish etc...stuff injected in that measly little triangle!!

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[quote]Love Apericubes, we put them over our salads, instead of feta! Bryan, i've posted without changing anything, also tried changing fonts & sizing &[/quote]

Possibly a problem the forum admin could help you with?...

Ask them kindly they are very obliging!.
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