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Where are you all, is no-one weighing in any more?

Don't desert me here, I need all the support I can get....or have I frightened you all away?

Since having a good weigh in on Tuesday, spent yesterday pigging out, what a foolish thing to do, I enjoyed it at the time but feel gross now.....all cos I was tired & bored.

Does anyone else do this, am I alone in occasionally blowing a perfectly good dieting week with a chocolat-fest?


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Hi Lorna,  I was thinking the same thing it does just seem to be you and me this week.  I to tend tohave a binge then feel gross!

We seem to weigh about the same and are both looking to loose the same. although not for the same reasons I just cant face another hot summer in trousers and big tops!!! Im sure you'll do fine I know I would in your situation.  Dont give up hope your slip should just renew your determination.

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Hi - I haven't admitted my failings since joining two weeks ago.  I was totally committed for the first 3 days then blew it and ended up weighing in 2 lbs heavier after one week and even heavier this week.

I too eat when I'm bored and/or stressed.  Even though I need to stop, my willpower is at an all time low. The kids go to bed and I begin snacking, it only stops when I go to bed myself.  Short of having my hands tied behind my back or my jaws wired I just don't know how I'm going to do it!

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Managed to loose 700 g this week so I,m really pleased with that. Lots of extra walking with the dog and NO eating in between meals. It,s been so hot this past week that I got out all my SMALL Summer skirts from last year and guess what...they,re TOO SMALL, not for long they won,t be. Nothing like a bit of sunshine to put you in the mood for dieting, especially when you realise you can,t cover up them lumps for ever

Good luck to everyone this week, Janey

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I don't weigh very often, and I don't like to use the word 'diet'.  To me the word resonates the feeling of being deprived. I try to think of myself as someone on a healthy eating plan.  I was rather dubious when I got on the scales earlier this week as I didn't feel I'd been as virtuous as usual, having had a bad cold that not only made me want to eat, but to eat all the wrong things.  Why don't you feel like eating fruit when you are ill - or is that just me?

However, I had only put on a pound (I had expected to have gained several) so was really pleased and have now gone back to my healthy diet with renewed enthusiasm.  (It did help that my daughter commented that I looked slimmer!)

Well done to all of you whether you have lost or not.  Surely, the most important thing is that you are making an effort to do something about your weight.  The hardest thing is having the patience for the end result and of course, believing that you will get there in the end.

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I'm back on Phase 1, having had a week of eating and worse, drinking, all the wrong things - tired & bored - no excuses.

I'm keeping away from the scales !!

I'm lacking a goal - last year I organized a big meeting so had a target date, this year there might be a family wedding, but nothing definite.......

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That sounds horrific, but being realistic, if the overweight people who are like to suffer from senile dementia is 1 in say 5000, then a 200% increase for overweight women is only 3 in 5000.

That's my excuse for failing to diet!

p.s. there was also a report that meat-eaters are more likely to suffer from senile dementia, so what happens if you're a woman who loses weight by the Atkins method, is this a no win situation?


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I can motivate myself to stay off alcohol by remembering the correlation to Breast Cancer as I lost a friend to this last year - doesn't mean I am tea total by any means but it does make me at least try to be moderate !!

And its the wine that is really my biggest failing in the diet regime, one glass, oh, that was nice, why not have another ? two glasses, oh - just a drop more, then - well, its hardly worth leaving that amount in the bottle !!......luckily I can give it up or I would quickly be an alcoholic !
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Me too Gay, I just love wine in the evenings. A little glass while the dinner is cooking(apperatife), couple of glassses while you,re eating, another in the lounge or up on the terrace. Every now and again I can be good and go without. Today it,s 34 degrees here and obviously that means ROSE time...mmmmm lovely chilled rose.

Well this morning the scales said I,d lost 1 kilo...yippeeeeee


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Can't believe its Tuesday again......ok, here we go.  Lost no weight this week, stayed the same.  I know why, it has something to do with the large piece of coffee cake I ate at the garden centre!!

Do other people eat when worried? We have had our house on the market for 8 months, the last step on our move to France.....not one person through the door, its so frustrating, have resorted to pretty plants in pots along the front wall for what the estate agent calls "curb appeal"

We've decided we can wait no longer, so have taken a 10 month rental on a farmhouse in Lot et Garonne, things will be tight, but we want to get going. This has nothing at all to do with dieting but, boy, do I feel better for downloading it all to you.  Thanks!!

Will have lost weight by next week, thats a promise.


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Lorna, it sounds like you and I have the same problem - I eat when I'm worried, and for the past 8-10 weeks it's been stress-city here (then again, I eat when I'm sad, angry, pre-menstural - you name it).

We're moving to France with my husband's job in the coming months, but we've to rent out our home here and find somewhere there.  He actually started the new job yesterday and will have to begin commuting soon if we don't get the housing problem sorted.  So for the past 8+ weeks I've ate everything I wanted, plus much more.  If I didn't have something in the house I fancied eating, I'd bake (on the pretence it was for the kids), then I'd indulge.

However it's not all doom and gloom, I've finally got back on track Sunday morning when I weighed in at 80.6 kgs (12 st 9 1/2 lbs)!!!! It's too soon to weigh in, but I'll be back next week to confess or celebrate.

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Hi All

Back from my week in England.  Didn't put on any weight, but then I didn't lose any either.  This is about the 5th/6th week I haven't lost weight and I'm starting to get a bit depressed about it. 

I lost a bit on the South Beach Diet but have been off that for a few weeks now and just trying to eat sensibly.  The reason I stopped SB - as soon as I started it, my hot flushes came back in abundance.  Since I stopped, hot flushes have calmed down to maybe one or two a day.  A couple of other friends said the SB had the same effect on them.

However, on my trip to England I dropped into the office to see some old friends and one of the girls I worked with has lost 3 stone since last summer (apparently she started her diet just after I left in July).  She looks terrific now but says she has another couple of stones to go.  I couldn't get over how fantastic she looked.  She's doing Slimming World.  Anyone else doing that "eating regime"?  I brought the magazine in England, but need to know more, especially about the "food optimising".

Sounds like the rest of you are all on track and doing well.


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No change for me since last week, but hubby was home and we did quite a bit of eating and drinking. Happy that I didn,t put any on Jan, hope you had a good week in England. I know you haven,t lost any but at least you haven,t put it on. I,ve also gone off the SB too. Going to try and have a Slimfast for breakfast and lunch just to speed things up a bit and then go back onto the SB.

Lorna and Naps, I think we all eat when we,re happy, sad,depressed etc. Good luck to both of you with the moves, must be very stressfull at the moment.


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hi all

No loss for me either this week and haven't measured the inches(to scared!!)

Jan, Im doing slimming world its the only one that works for me.  You can go to the slimming world web site www.slimmingworld.co.uk where you can print a free 7 day meal plan 1 for green meals and 1 for red meals.  Theres loads of info there and you can even join up even if you dont live in UK you can do it on line.

Hope this helps

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I'm also doing Slimming World, I've tried most of them over the years, WW, Atkins, Rosemary Connolly, but this one makes the most sense and is the easiest to keep to when you have to eat out socially.  I'm a woman who loves her potatoes & pasta, on Slimming World I can eat these without weighing anything & still have a bit of meat, eggs, cheese and unlimited fruit, its a way of eating I like.  I tend to stick to Green (mostly veggie) days, but my husband loves his meat, so when we have dinner together I'll have a chop & veg with spuds & gravy etc.

I'd suggest giving it a go, as has already been said, the website is good, but if you want any help, just give me a nudge.

I think I have to accept that I have to watch what I eat from now on, so I don't beat myself up over the occasional lapse, as long as the general trend is downward, thats ok by me.

Naps, I weigh in the same as you, within 1k, do you fancy challenge......I weigh 78.8k today, I'll give myself a target of being 77k by 17th May, 2 weeks time...what do you think?


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Lorna - I'm up for it, perhaps it's what I need to keep me going over the next two weeks - and what a tough two weeks...  it's my birthday on Saturday and Mother's Day on Sunday.  If that wasn't enough, my sister (who's a cook) arrives Sunday for the week, and when she leaves we're heading down to France to househunt - so much temptation!

But I like the idea of having a goal which is only a couple of weeks away - it takes the ouch factor out of dieting.

I sneaked a weigh-in this morning (had to see if this diet had started working!) and it was good news, currently at 78.2kgs.

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Hi Lorna

I may well give you a nudge for tips.

Found out yesterday that a friend over here did Slimming World a couple of years ago.  Unfortunately they moved house in November and she hasn't a clue where all her paperwork, etc is.

I kind of get the idea about the food optimising, so I will definately give it a go.

Good luck with your challenge with Naps.  Nothing like a challenge for motivation.  I shall watch this website for the results.


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Hi Jan

I've just looked on ebay, there are several sets of Slimming World starter packs and recipe books for sale there.  As I am "decluttering" my house before its eventual sale I have sold several items on there and have found them really useful.

Hope this helps


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Hey Naps

Sounds as though you are off to a really good start....good.  I am more like the tortoise than the hare, but we'll see. Keep at it gal.  I'm off to do my exercise dvd now, every little helps!!

PS When my kids were little & I was dieting, I taught them from an early age to scrape their own plates of leavings after a meal, otherwise I ate the scraps, it seemed a sin to throw them away! Now mine are all grown & gone, I just don't buy tempting treats...except for 2 finger kit kats, I have one every evening to keep the chocolate monster chained, aren't I sad.


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Thanks for the tip Lorna, but there's little chance of me seeing the scraps from the kids plates, what they don't eat goes to our 4 legged friend - she's a Rhodesian Ridgeback so has a healthy appetite and has yet to turn her nose up at anything they leave.

Excercise DVD?  Oh no, this is real competition - better go and wipe the dust off mine!

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