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Hi, I've found you all at last.  I'm the looby that posted in the wrong place.  Better late than never!

Slimming World seems to be doing it for me, albeit slowly, its just the thought that its for longterm that is so wearing....if only, once you lost it, it stayed off.

As I told you, have to face ex-husband & ex best friend, now married in August at daughters wedding, believe me that is all the incentive I need, I'll walk in there, head held high if I have to get a girdle & can't breathe.

Do you all get lots of excercise, do you think thats what makes the difference?

Thanks for being there, talk again on Tuesday

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Exercise and I are old adversaries

We did invest in a tread mill which is great, but I have been giving a miss at present in favour of gardening, sadly the first over enthusiastic session meant a bad back and no exercise for 2 weeks !

Don't be too downhearted, Ian Marbler who is sometimes on Richard & Judy says if you are good 80% of the time you should be OK.......I must admit I really do not enjoy sweet things as much as I did, but happily my taste for a good red wine is undimmed
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I was once told that dieting was mental (they said all in the mind). Well I did not believe it as I am not mental, well not normally. Finally I decided what I could not do without. Dark 72% min chocolate and wine. So I have one square of chocolate a day (10 grams) and one glass of red wine and a small spirit with John before dinner. Now if I sin during the day I have to forgo one of the above for each sin and guess what - I have stopped sinning. My plateau is over and I have finally lost another 2 pounds and it is still going down.

So I am mental BUT I can get into the green jeans that have been hanging mocking me in the wardrobe since I got here 18 months ago. I have a long way to go and a week of friends next week but mental I am and mental I stay - well I think that was what they meant.

The things you cut out when you are dieting are the things you cannot bring back into your diet and eat as you did before, but you can treat them as treats and eat them in small measures. My one glass of wine lasts all night as I start with half a glass and top up with water, I then drink half and top up again - this goes on but I never drink more than one glass. I am sure my liver is grateful and sometimes it has been a hoot to be the only sober person in the party.

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I rejoined weight watchers after Christmas ..........sadly Im a lapsed gold member who let the weight creep back on . I assume the frequent visits to france , eating wonderful cheeses , bread , moules frites and too much wine ( is that a valid concept ?? ) .

Im pleased with my progress and weight is coming off slowly . I think the main problem is lack of excercise. Our home in france is currently a second home and hence still stuck in an office most of the time !!

Everyone who has the luxury of time  and the health to enjoy it should savour every day!! I really look forward to retiring and joining you whatever the weather .

Diet tips .........Ive found the new WW No point switch programme works for me and although I havent reached my goal yet , Im determined to get there by summer. Everyone is different , so when you have found what suits you stick at it , weight stays off if it is lost slowly and steadily , crash diets never really work .



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I think you are quite right, there is a way of eating that suits each one of us, trouble is that the one that suits me involves lots of sweet things. I should love to lose the feeling that any meal that ends without something sweet is not really satisfying.

Does anyone have any hints for controlling a relly sweet tooth.  I can be moderate with the cheeses, try not to have too much bread, but, oh, pain au chocolate...those little tartelettes with strawberries on, the list is endless.

Anything you can think of will be appreciated.

PS Used to be a practice nurse, running well woman & slimming clinics, just shows you, doesn't it that "do as I say not as I do" has worked for me for years.  Mind you went to GP here in England, he must have been 18 stone, gave me a real lecture on my weight.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!


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Have just been reading my "Menopause" book and there is a little bit about weight gain.  Apparently you can put on between 7 - 18lbs during the menopause and the fat redistributes itself around the middle.  There is hope for me yet

Recommend eating sensibly - which I'm trying to do.  Cut down on alcohol (have done), take regular exercise (OK not so good at that one).  However, now that I know this - I don't feel so bad about my weight, but will still try and lose a bit more and get down to what I feel comfortable with.


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"Does anyone have any hints for controlling a relly sweet tooth"

I recommend having a square of dark chocolate after dinner.  It is good for you after all and if you have the dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa solids I find it satiates the appetite yet feels like a naughty treat.  Alternatively, someone else recommended popping in a chewing gum.  Gum wouldn't suit me but I'm sure others have their ideas too.

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Good morning all dieters!!

Its the second Tuesday of my diet and I still haven't bought a scale or tape measure so I have no idea how I'm doing although I certainly don't 'feel' any thinner!!

My problem I have realised is that I have to have lots of what I like and unfortunately what I like is FOOD!!

I don't have a particularly sweet tooth but I do get cravings for the stuff and when I do I cant stop! so I haven' been buying any sweet stuff at all (Hubby and kids not happy)

My Solution to the after dinner craving is Yogurt or fruit no where near as good as chocolate, cakes ice cream biscuits etc etc but with no other option in the house it works.

Second tip.  I eat really fast and so don't get the 'full up' feeling till I've eaten way to much so (and don't laugh) I am now eating my main meal with chop sticks!! It works.

Congratulations to all those have have 'lost' this week and to those who have stuck with it.(and even to those like me who have had a few 'little' slips!)

Keep at it.

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Morning all,

I've lost 1 kilo this week, I'm really pleased as it has been quite hard.

Have found that a 2 finger kitkat at about 9pm works for me, I can be "good" all day, looking forward to it....stupid, I know but I can manage that way.

I had quite a lot of eating out last wek, ut managed to stay fairly well on track.

The thing I like about Slimming World is that on a "green" day, I can eat unlimited pasta & potatoes, so can have a big plate of home cooked chips with egg and not be cheating.  Having a meat day today, off to look for good ideas for chicken...maybe tandoori?

Hope you all weigh in well.


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Well I have been pretty good on Phase 1 apart from a few glasses of wine on Sunday. I even had a dry chicken tikka and salad while the others tucked into a full blown curry

I have shifted another pound,( I probably added a pound or two over Easter) so 64 pounds as a grand total (its 18 months now, so its very slow)

Well done to all losers and keep up the good work to the others.............
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Newbie with a serious lack of willpower here.

Found this link and read how everyone has there ups and downs and figured I'd probably do better if I HAD to do a weekly confession as to how I am getting on.

Only started dieting yesterday, but I've a long history of yo-yo dieting, promising myself each time I start that THIS IS IT, this is the major life change, not just a diet.

Ashamed to admit that as little as 7 months ago I was within 9lbs (4kgs) of my goal weight and became a little too complacement and let myself slip again - within 7 months I put 24lbs (11kgs) back on.  After Christmas I began again and lost 13lbs (6kgs) - but yep, you guessed it - a stressful period in my life and I'm back up 10lbs.  Now that's extreme yo-yo'ing.

My goal is to shift 28lbs (13kgs) and keep it off - I don't mind the slow and steady approach, and can fit in a bit of exercise, so who knows this time with this thread, I just might make it?

Well done to all those who've achieved their goal weight - and best of luck to those who are still en-route.

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Hi there Newbie (sorry don't know your name as I don't get the full picture on the website including the authors name).

Anyway - welcome to "the club".  We're all doing different types of diet, exercise, etc, some with success, others (including me) not so - but I live in hope.

Yo-yo dieting is my problem as well, but with the weekly confession and chats, we can all try and help keep each other on track.

Good luck.


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Well, its Tuesday again...how has everyone done? I have lost 1 kilo (2.2lbs) but it has been hard, two meals out where the meal was put in front of you, no menu choices, how I passed on the key lime pie I will never know!

Hubby is dieting with me now, thats very helpful, he would be on at me if I cheated, mind you he does not relish me reminding him that there are calories in wine, brandy etc!!

5 weeks to go until we are back in France, need to be half a stone less before all the cheeses!

We have rented a house very near to the Lot for 10 months, starting in September, can't wait to begin our adventure, but really do need to concentrate on the weight before then, although the house is 3k from the nearest village...so I will REALLY want to have bread before I take on the walk.

Talk to you all again next week.


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Morning all!

Still no scales but bought a tape measure and have lost a total of 7cms

I am very happy as last week I ate lots of cake and biscuits and was convinced I had ruined everything.  It has renewed my determination and this week I'm going to stick to the eating plan and see if the results are better,  if not then a few treats must be fine!!

Hope you all have had good results keep up the good work

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Well done Lorna and other person (sorry I still get the full picture on the web page, so I don't know who you are).

I'm the same (yet again) as last week.  Mind you went a friends for Sunday lunch (full roast followed by apple crumble), and last night supper at another friends.  So despite all that lovely food, I should be grateful I haven't put any on.

I'll get there eventually (hopefully).


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Dreadful, dreadful week - actually put on 3lbs !! Completely my own fault - I was very, very angry with someone and when I am angry I eat !!! ( Luckily I rarely get angry at all, I'm normally quiet and fairly even tempered,thank goodness!)

A good wake up call though - so back on the straight and narrow this week........

Onward and downward weightwise anyway !!
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Well no change for me since the last time, but at least I haven,t put any on despite having my friend here for 6 days. Woke up feeling terrible this morning, shivers, sore throat, just wanted to stay in bed all day but I had to take the dog out. I walked really fast for an hour,  all through the vineyards, beautifull sunny day and now feeling really good.

Well done to all those who lost


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Taking a break from the diet. Have been feeling lousy on and off for 6 weeks. French doctor who hates prescribing anything (yes I know, hard to believe) has prescribed huge doses of Asprin and antibiotics. I have not been up to playing with my exercise machine as I am just too dizzy so I am hoping that by Friday I will start to feel better and by next week will be on the up and up.

Congrats to all who have lost weight. I can still get into the green jeans that have been hanging in the wardrobe for 2 years taunting me so all is not lost.

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I have just had visitors for a week . . .


Was doing badly enought without their help too

My body is craving chocolate at the moment but all is not lost.  Will be back on the straight and narrow very soon and then I will show you all

Skinny?  Just you wait

(But don't for goodness sake hold your breaths or you will explode)

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You will all be delighted (?) to hear that I got measured this morning and haven't put on a millemetre!

My flabber was gasted!  I am just off to write to the Guiness Book of Records.

Why do I feel like I have been blown up with a bicycle pump?

Just think.  It could be fluid and I will be thin if it er, goes

Lots of joyfull dancing here.  And increduality

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Hi folks

Won't be weighing in next week - off to England (again) for my brother's 50th birthday - and we all know what that means - food - loads of it - groan.  Must try and behave myself without looking like a party pooper.

Good luck with the scales, tapes, etc, next week.


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Hello again

I finally bought my scales and so I am weighing in at 81.9kgs about 12.8 stone I think, which is what I thought I was BEFORE I started dieting so either I haven't lost any weight or I was alot heavier!!!  On the brighter side I have lost 3.5 cms in the last week. (only 13 more cms to go)

I decided to have a week off this week as I was getting fed up so ate my first plate of chips and my first bit of baguette and marge for 3 weeks last night and guess what this morning I have an upset tummy  so maybe I'll stick with it although its going to be tough as MOH has his 'english food parcel' arriving today.  Will I be able to resist??? I doubt it!!

Hope the rest of you have done well and good luck for this week

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Feeling really virtuous, another 2lbs off, mind you I haven't cheated at all and don't think I can stay this good for ever!!

17 weeks till my daughters wedding, I'm 12st 6lbs now, what do you think will be a realistic expectation of weight loss by then?

My ex husband and VERY ex best frien, now married will be there, they weigh about 10 stone each, wringing wet and I am b......d if I will face them looking a fright, this must be the best incentive ever for losing weight.

Just eating a plate of sweet potato chips, free for me today as on a veggie day.

Thinking of you all


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