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Alexis, do you mean a lover to love you wobbly bits and all...or to exercise the wobbly bits...

Me, haven,t weighed myself, like Jan gone a bit pear shaped...why oh why can you be good sometimes and not others


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LOL I have just been reading about a woman who set herself up for a liaison over the internet - she duly arrived for the 'meet' only to have her husband turn up ! (so why was he furious with her - and not the other way round ??? )

Back to weight - just the same, feel rather sluggish, I'm waiting for Spring !!

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Gay, wasn't that the premise behind the song, "Pina Colada"??

I am exactly the same weightwise as last week - but! I put on a pair of jeans today I have carted around with me for 18 years (I know, packrat... but they are nice jeans!) and... wait for it.... they fit!

And not suck-it-in-stand-on-tippie-toes-while-pulling-on-zipper-jumping-up-and-down fit (everyone got that mental image? Good)

I mean zip up, room in hips fit and slightly relaxed if not baggy fit.

Yes, I am chuffed... Its all the walking I have to do...

And Alexis, a lover? Too much effort... all that feeding and caring for...

(Hmmmmm.... on the other hand, the benefits... )

Nah! Not enough return on investment!

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Perhaps I should have put 'fall in love with someone'.  You know.  For the first couple of weeks whilst you are on that little cloud, you ALWAYS seem to lose weight!

Then, after it all becomes 'old hat', you could fall in love again with someone else and lose another half a stone . . .

Agree about looking after men.  No benefits at all now they have made screwed on tops easier to open

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Belinda, perhaps you could find a 5 - 7.

True integration ?

PS Well done with the jeans - my daughter thinks I should start buying clothes in a smaller size, but I am pretty sure if I do I'm going to get a nasty bulge just above my waist (with trousers or skirts at least)
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Help needed from a plateaued plateauer

I have been on a calorie counting diet with general low fat tendencies as at first it seemed to work. I lost just under half a stone of the stone to stone and a half I had to lose quickly. I have stuck to 1500 cals a day, reducing to 1250 and now starting to need 1000 a day just to stand still and not put it back on. I am not cheating or doing anything silly. I don't drink coffee, have one teabag on the go during the day for John and myself (YES all the tea we drink gets lighter and lighter as we like it like that). I have one very small glass of red wine as a treat and this is included in the total calorie count.

OK, after 4 weeks with no weight movement I realise I am on the wrong diet. My body is rebelling and I feel lousy. I ache - probably lack of oil in my diet as joints need lubricating like any other bits of machinery. I cannot drop down any more calories and I want to actually start eating and enjoying food again. I also want the energy to be able to do the exercise that I need to do to help get the weight off. I am doing various exercises as well as almost starving - and it is having no effect what so ever.

Plan B is to slowly move over to a low carb diet and upping my vitamins etc. I am not jumping from one to the other but moving over during 4 or 5 days. I may be changing diets but I am also eating my words...

Help please - this final stone HAS to come off as it is plain fat sitting round my middle - the most dangerous place to have that much fat on a short woman of a certain age.

Right, get my act together, clear up and go out and do some gardening as it is not raining.


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Di, I know you have looked at South Beach before but why not give it a go? Its not really low carb, more good carb. You should get a fairly balanced diet with it.

Another couple of tips are to have protein at breakfast time .... also don't eat carbs after 6pm. (thats difficult !! for me at least)

I've lost 62lbs now and I am really wondering if I won't have to increase my food a little because my body is just used to getting less, but better food......and seems to clinging on to the other 18lbs I want to lose !

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Hi Gay

I don't actually have any details on the South Beach diet to hand. I looked on the net but could not really find any detailed info and all my books apart from one or two are packed somewhere in a box in the main barn - they might as well be on Mars. I have found my Atkins book though and thought I might give it a go. Only having 14 or so pounds to lose might seem simple but as we all know it is the last bit that is the worse. I am more worried about the fat % that I am carrying around - it is well over the danger limit for my size.

Ah well, I will see how it goes. I am starting on Tuesday - so I will be able to weigh in with the rest of you .

At least I will be able to have our own organic eggs for breakfast and as for sardines in olive oil - well I think that that is my favourite fish - had it for lunch today.

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"I am more worried about the fat % that I am carrying around - it is well over the danger limit for my size."

I would recommend that if you are eating say two eggs, remove one of the yolks, the white has the protein in and none of the fat. Fish is good, choose tuna and other fish that are less fatty.

The way to reduce fat is to not eat as much fat (say 15% of your food intake) and make sure the fat you eat is good fat! But also to reduce sugary carbs (like fruit) and eat complex carbs like porridge, brown rice, wholemeal bread (not brown) which will release energy slowly but make sure they are no more than 50% of your food intake per day.

Also get plenty of excercise, if you are taking in 2000 calories a day, you need to burn them off to loose weight.

Eating better is the key.

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If I'm taking 2000 calories per day - huh, If I'm taking 1000 calories a day more like AND I exercise or garden. This is going to be a long long hard slog. Some fat in the diet is very important, many vitamins are fat based and we need oily fish for our brains, so some days I just have to eat my sardines in Olive Oil.

My fat and carb intake are well within normal limits so I just have to plod on. BMI and weight are at the top of normal, just the fat is not.

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Don't even think about a weigh in ! Too many hot cross buns, a couple of small chocolate eggs and too much wine.......

On the other hand we have cleared a brambled strip of garden about 30ft x 8ft and my back and right thigh hurt so much I can hardly move. Oh - ouch........

(We want new fence, but we've got to get to the old one before we can get rid of it ! Another few feet to go - but not today )
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I'm losing it.  My mind that is, not the flab!

I thought today was Monday!

I was driving here thinking about how rubbish I have been and I thought we all ought to sin for a week and start again....Fresh, so to speak!

Fresh and full of STRONG resolutions

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I have been ill with cold/flu/bronchitis since last Monday night... haven't been able to keep food down, no appetite, either. When I DID eat, it was stuff like whole grain bread or cheese... made a 'good' pot au feu and had some of that yesterday. SO. On scales yesterday (and today) at 87 kg, so down 1 kg from last week! I know, getting sick is cheating... Alls fair in love, war and weight-loss!

I think that Atkins works for me but I tend to be leaning more South Beach, now, as I eat more legumes and wholegrain bread than Atkins allows. Except, I eat LOADS of fat (very un-SB), but ONLY 'natural' such as olive oil, butter, chicken skin, etc. NEVER any hydrogenated oils, margarine, etc. I read 'The Fat Fallacy', it was eye-opening. Our bodies evolved over millennia eating, what? Low-fat stuff? No sir-ee bob! Eating FAT. Very little in the way of carbs until 3000 years ago and then always unproccesed. Its only been in the last 30 years or so we have done this 'low-fat' thing. Its worth doing a Google. Low-Fat is NOT where it's at! IMHO, of course...

PS. I have an exceptional cholesterol makeup (according to my cardiologist) with high levels of HDL, normal triglycerides, optimal levels of LDL and practically non-exsistant VLDL according to my last test. I will have another one done in the next few weeks.

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Hi Belinda

I am afraid I join you with the cold/flu - horrid and no diet while that is around. I tucked into lentil and veg soup today, made me feel better. I am also a natural fat eater and I ban all forms of rubbishy marge and those other horror fats. Being of Jewish extraction I learnt from a very early age that there was a difference between butter and chicken fat and the 'marge' that the better off ate. My grandmother had a mantra - you are never too poor to butter the crusts, only too mean if you don't.

The weird thing is that I have only lost about 9 lbs in all but my blood pressure has gone from borderline high to acceptable levels. I can also get into a pair of stretch pants which I have kept hanging up in the wardrobe for over a year. Now all I need to do is clear the parasitic fatty 'other person' that sits round my middle .

Brambles - not while I am snivelling. Actually I saw a good patch of nettles last week so it is almost time for the ritual 'green spring soup'.

Onwards and upwards to the weigh-in next week - the choccy eggs will be a thing of the past by then.

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Looks like we are all 'late on parade' this week !

I am still not daring the scales but I am back on Phase 1 of South Beach so I promise to weigh in next Tuesday.

Hopefully I will get out in the garden this week - (I still have the pain from 2 weekends ago ) Just hope the fresh air doesn't give me an appetite

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I'm late on parade too.  Waiting to see if anyone else had any confessions

Although I've not been "bad" this last week, I've not been particularly "good" either.  Weight is same as last week, week before, etc.

I seem to have hit that boring plateau but I'm determined that by next week I'll be lighter (must get my hair cut, and shave my legs - :hehe  No seriously - I'm going to give it a good go this week - fridge is stacked out with salad stuff and loads of gardening to do if the rain stops.

See ya'll next week.


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I too have decided to shift a few stubborn pounds and this very morning checked out some websites found a nice bikini/shorts for summer and stuck a picture of it on my fridge with the logo 'Did you do your sit ups this morning??' though I did think it would be easier to morph my head onto the picture than go without butter/cheese... but

Hopefully it will work and when I feel hungry I tell myself its my metabolism working or my stomach is shrinking.. hopefully..

A food diary is always good then around 8pm when you feel hungry read everything that you have eaten and you dont feel so hungry after all.

Good luck tout le monde, summers around the corner...



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Hello everyone

I decided 1 week ago to loose (quite a bit) of weight.  Its great to have found this thread hopefully this will give me a bit of support and encouragement as I dont seem to do to well on my own.

I'm sort of following slimming world (mainly green days) as this is the only diet I've had any success with in the past.

I don't own a set of scales or a tape so have no Idea how I'm doing. Will invest in some soon.

I can only work in Llbs I think I weigh about 182llbs and am around 5ft 4. Apparently my 'normal' weight is between 119llb and 133llb although I will be happy to get to 147llbs Does this sound about right?  If anyone can tell me how to convert llbs to kgs It might be easier.


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Well, about time I confessed..haven,t even bothered weighing myself, ate far too much chocolate at Easter and can,t seem to get back to being good. I,ve got my best friend from England comimng out to stay with me on Saturday..haven,t stopped cleaning the house..and I really mean cleaning..I,m shattered. No point in even thinking about dieting at the moment because I know that when she gets here we,ll do nothing but eat and drink

When she goes (following Thurs) I am going to try extremely HARD to be good!!


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