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Well done Jan, as you say it,s in the right direction. Don,t beat yourself too much Alexis, it,s cold and that makes you want to eat.

Me, I,ve only lost 500g, but better than nothing. I was a bit naughty at the weekend

Will be good this week.


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I'm going nowhere near the scales this week - had to cancel our French trip planned for last weekend so consolled myself with too much red wine, had some chocolate (which I didn't enjoy enough to want to repeat) have just been out to meet another forum member and ejoyed a cream cake !!

Back on track - I might look at the scales next week !

Well done to everyone else though....

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I'm the first to post today???

OK... I am down another 1/2 kilo or so. Scales are just slightly above 88kgs, so I will say 88.5kgs. I am very happy with this. I am taking 1gm (2x500mg capsules) of Psyllium Husks one hour before every meal. This has reduced my hunger dramatically (not that it was that bad anyway) and has the added benefit that it reduces serum cholesterol.

I feel like I am in 'The Zone'.... 23.5kg to go.... or so.

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Well done Belinda! I,m just wondering if everyone has been naughty like me and is that why there aren,t many posts today

Well, no change for me, hubby came home for 5 days and I,ve done nothing but eat and drink..very ashamed of myself


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Not much better here Janey, measurements are Ok, the same, if not a little better but I haven't weighed yet

Must get back to it - I'm not eating 'wrong' foods just too much of the right ones and wine. (Oh - we did have a stir fry on Sat pm and I bought a lemon sauce, don't think I'll do that again, it was pretty yuk !)

If only the sun would shine !
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Mashed potato twice.  Yorkshire pudding once.  Chips once.  Bottle of gin.  Tonics.

Lost five stone

Glad to be doing rubbish too! 

Moving out today for a month or so until the floors are done.  Will be around though! 

Really, really must try harder!

I'm hoping to get some walks in once I am out of this cow pat.

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So how are you all losing all this weight?   I've been Extremely Good since the beginning of Lent, and yet I remain at 65kg and still look like a bag of tatties.   A big one, too!

No chips, no crisps, no toast and Marmite, no snacks.   I don't take sugar in anything so can't cut that out.

Snot fair!  I can't even say I'm big-boned, because I'm obviously not! 

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Saligo Bay,

The food things seem ok, but what about exercise?  Is that in this equation?  Forgive me if you have mentioned this before but there are just too many posts on this topic for me to go back and check! If not, that may be the missing ingredient.

By the way there is nothing wrong with toast and marmite (provided there is little or no butter) as long as its healthy wholemeal bread.



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SB, I think the reason is that you are not overweight !

I remember you posting what you weigh before and I think you are a similar height, and its way below my target - perhaps your body has gone into 'starvation' mode and is busy clinging on to every calorie !!

I'd be 'thrilled skinny' to weigh what you do !!
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Janey, this is clearly a definition of "skinny" that I haven't come across before! 

The problem with exercise is that I can't face moving my great mass around until there's a bit less of it, then I get all enthusiastic and there's no stopping me.  For a while, at least!

My current excuse is the cold winter - with windchill bringing the temps down to below zero, it's not tempting to go outdoors.   I've even stopped yoga, because the house is too cold for me to take off my 3 jumpers and scarf!


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Hi SB and others who have problems losing weight. Our scales show % of body fat as well as weight (we have had them for years). Now I am in the normal weight to height zone but my fat % shows me as very obese - ie not enough lean muscle - I have been like this for a long time but fooled myself by saying, it is OK, the weight is normal. Well it is not OK, it has balled around my middle and with a family history of heart problems I need to get it off.  John on the other hand shows as almost obese with a weight for height ratio but his fat % is in the normal range and will drop like a stone once the weather warms up. He turns fat into muscle quite quickly. This means he is not overweight as muscle weighs more than fat (taking weight to height ratio most Hollywood hunks are very very obese so it can be a meaningless measurement). He was far to heavy for years but working on the renovation has changed him totally and he needs 4 good meals a day to keep him going.

I went on a diet 3 weeks ago, lost weight the first week then nothing BUT my fat % has dropped each and every week - only half a % this week but still going down. I will stick at it and have started slowly with exercise - there is a good program on L!VE TV (Sky 214) - two short workouts at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm French time (four short workouts a day and they rotate and show different workouts each time). I normally do one set of two or some aerobic exercises most days but have the 'Lot Lurgy' at the moment so the joint ache means a few days off which is a shame as I had a good walk planned for today as the sun is shining.

Further details of fat % is on this site http://www.healthchecksystems.com/bodyfat.htm.

So I now have a goal of losing the excess body fat and know the weight will follow as it needs to. Sorry if this has been mentioned before - I was feeling very down at not losing the weight until I realised that the diet was having some effect, so stick to it SB, just give it time

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Hi folks

Didn't weigh in last week - just got back from yet another trip to England where family and friends filled us with yet more take-aways and junk food.

Managed to get two "diet" meals in tho.  Got back last night and jumped on the scales this morning, dreading the result, and amazing - I hadn't put on an ounce.

However, brought some bacon and hovis back with us - bacon sarnies with brown sauce for lunch me thinks.

Weather glorious, so off outside to flatten the molehills (recycling the earth for my plant pots).

See you next Tuesday.


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Oops !  Sorry.  They were delicious.

Off the batter the mole hills, fill up my bird feeders, put some more washing on the line, unpack my bags from the England trip, store away all the supplies, then help hubby remove a few tree branches, etc.

Hope that lot will burn off a few calories.


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Good morning! I have a good result so am happy to be first posting this morning!

88.0kg. Down another half kg. I spent 8 hours yesterday (yes - really, I don't have a car) walking all over Pontivy going to various appointments. So, this morning, I am knackered! Hope it does some good. I am doing an hour's walk this morning after I walk the girls to school, then another when I go to pick them up. I so want to get as much weight off as possible before my Cardiologist's appointment in just over two weeks time!

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Well done Belinda.

My bacon sarnies the other day didn't do me any favours, neither did the pizza I had last night - we had been working over at a friends laying a floor and putting kitchen units together - just didn't fancy cooking. 

Anyway I was up 1kg this morning (only got myself to blame), so back to it this week.  Off to the shops shortly to stock up on "good" stuff.

Weather is absolutely glorious this morning, so I'll probably be doing battle with the brambles today.


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Not as bad as I feared after I plucked up courage and stepped on the scales - I've actually lost 1lb, (do you think having my hair cut later will help ? How desperate is that ? )

Slacking on the exercises a bit still, it was sunny here yesterday, grey again today though not inspiring.

Out tomorrow night at the local greek restaurant which I find quite diet friendly, so I'll just be careful.

Good luck at the cardiologists Belinda

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Finally found my tape measure.  It was in my knitting bag . . .

I was laid in bed this morning feeling my ribs, (the jutting out hip bones are still well covered) so I thought that I can't have put that much on after being off the diet...

One centimetre....I'm pleased as I feel as fat as a pig

Back to the induction I think.  Must get motivated.  I'm blaming the house move and not being in a 'routine'.  Yes.  Right

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