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Of course you can join us.  The more the merrier.

Tuesday is the day we strip down to our skin, removing anything we can remove - teeth, rings, watches etc so that we weigh in light

All except me of course who just stretches the tape measure a bit further as I won't get on a lying scale.....

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I don't think I can join in this as I am trying to GAIN weight, in 2 weeks I've gained 3kg - target 100kg by Easter, 8kg to go.

50% carbs 40% protein, 10% fat, 2000 cals per day. Interestingly in order to lose weight I would switch the carb and protein amounts only. This is with av. 3.5 gym visits per week.

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Try the swimming pool diet. Get rung up by ex boss saying he MAY need some help building his swimming pool in Tremolat. Discover this means wheelbarrowing 450 mixes on cement through passage from front of house to back. Did not loose any weight BUT now have a '10 inch drop'  ( before anybody gets excited it just means my chest in 10 inches bigger than my waist   fairly impressive on a bloke but not right good on a lady

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Well, I,m joining in again..shamefully..I might add, after stuffing my face all Christmas and now suffering the consequences..up to 67.5 this morning.

Went for a big long walk with the dog and thought..have to do something about this,Spring will soon be here and can,t go around hiding in baggy jumpers for ever.

Tried the SB diet before Christmas and didn,t get on too well with it so today I found my old weight watchers stuff from about 6 yrs ago so I,m going to try that as it seemed very easy at the time,no restrictions, just counting points.

This is going to be very hard but here goes! See you all for weigh in on Tues.


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It has been so cold here for the past three or four days that all my body has wanted is sweets and chocolate.  This has ruined the Atkins....so I am going onto good old calorie counting.

Still trying to avoid the carbs....and watch the G.I....and count calories!

Life gets more and more complicated but it seems like a good idea.  We will see. 

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I know what you mean about the weather,also very cold here in 66, so not fancied our usual daily walk. We went to the local market this morning and not many stalls on as it was windy and cold, I decided to take shelter and warmth in the pharmacie, and found the scales! decided to jump on, ran off and out of the shop demanding Mr O to quickly work out what 72 kilos are......11 stone 4 roughly in his head!! when we got home I put my leather coat , wool scarf , boots and hand bag on the kitchen scales hey guess what .....lost 7 pounds in 30 mins!! so 10 st 11, top side of my wanabee weight, so 6lbs to lose, going out this afternoon to stack wood as he chops and exercise DVD will live in the machine till the weight has gone.
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Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish week.  I have lost perhaps a mm.  I have been trying to not put weight on...no time to actually lose it!

Eaten all sorts of forbidden things but it has been SSOOO cold.

Will be much thinner this time next week.  Hopefully!

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Rubbish for me too Alexis, lost 200 gr...whoopeee

It is true that when it,s cold you want to eat and here for for the past week the old mistral,s been blowing and we,ve had temperatures of -5.

Chocolate does warm you up.....going to be very good this week.


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Don't worry ladies, my husband is dismayed to find he put on 1 lb (That will teach him to have a whole bottle of white and 3 bagels !! )

Daughter has lost a further 2lbs and I have lost 2lbs which leaves me with just one to go to hit my Feb 14th target....

Family loss of 25lbs since Jan 3rd (mainly my daughter)'the family that diet together....???'

I'm just glad to get away from that post Christmas yo - yoing 3lbs.......

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Back in France now.

Wedding was great and went off with only one hitch (the bride and groom)

As for the weight - I'm back up to 73.2kg.

Had dinner with friends on the Friday night which consisted of pizza, potato rosti,******ail sausages, ham, garlic bread, colslaw, sauces and the smallest bowl of salad I've ever seen between 6 of us.  I couldn't very well, just stick to the ham and salad, there wouldn't have been any left for anyone else!!

Wedding breakfast - fruit starter, fully turkey roast followed by 3 layer chocolate mouse (heaven), plus the champagne and wedding cake and sugared almonds.  I couldn't face the evening buffet which consisted of just about every bad carb you could imagine.

We were staying with the bride's parents who didn't fancy cooking on Sunday evening (can't blame them), so it was pizza again.

So looking at it all, gaining 1.4kg not too bad.

It was along journey back to France, so I expect I won't feel like cooking tonight.  Bacon sarnies for lunch and pasta bake for dinner and tomorrow I will back back on the good and righteous course with hopefully good news to report next Tuesday.


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So.... stepped on the scales this morning and what a nice birthday surprise, just the smidgen under 90kgs!!!!!!

Fantastic! Have lost 1 kg from last week, feel great AND I am now the proud holder of a Carte de Séjour qui authorise son titulaire à travailler!!


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Excellent week.  I knew that last week was fluid....  Lost nearly 2cm off my waist and one off my hips.  I feel that I have a shape now!  I definately felt thin in my tightish jumper.  It didn't hug me!

If I keep up the good work I am going to be below the measurement I specified for Valentine's  Day!  YES!!

Then it is five weeks to Easter and, flushed with success, I am going for another two centimetres off my hips and waist.

Looking at my book, I have lost THREE inches nearly off my waist since we started.  This with putting it back on at Christmas.  Will be  OVER three inches next week.  I hope.

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Congratulations Alexis ! You must be thrilled !

No surprise that I have put on a pound.....normal now, always go back up a little, then down, back a little etc....

However the following is comforting;


Having said that I do measure less and my clothes feel loser...weird !

Daughter has lost a further 4lbs and husband says he had a bad week and wont weigh himself

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Congratulations Alexis.

Gay - sometimes you can lose inches and not pounds - funny old life ain't it!  So don't despair. 

I am now down to 71.2kg and feeling good.

Have started drinking Actimel in the mornings (pineapple flavour) and am starting to feel better for it.  I've also cut out my morning tea and drink hot water instead (hubby thinks I'm weird) but it's a good way to flush out the system.  I don't have tea until the afternoons now.

The South Beach gave me a good idea of what I can and can't eat and I find that if I don't eat carbs after, say, 3pm, my weight doesn't fluctuate so much.  So pancakes for lunch today instead of at tea time, it being shrove Tuesday and all that.

Friday night is still chips night though when les anglais meet up for a meal and a few drinks at our local.  I figure one sinful meal a week won't hurt.


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We are all doing great.

It is a funny thing about carbs.  I have found that I just cannot eat them if I want to lose weight.  I haven't had potatoes, rice or pasta for months.  I occasionally have half a slice of bread - I bake it then freeze in half slices.  Before, when I had finished induction I had half a slice every two days - building up to 'proper' eating - and it was a nightmare.  Very strange.

So now I stick to induction and if I fancy something, I have it.  I had a wonderfull cake the other day.....!!!  Fortunately, I had been ok for the other six days

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Same... 90 kg, no change, but, clothes feel much looser...

40 days until Easter, so there is no way I will lose 25 kg between now and then, but, at least I have lost quite a bit... Its the exercise I am having problems with, the motivation to do it.

Doing sit-ups for Lent as have given up everything else...

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