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Hello All!

I went shopping with my daughter last Saturday, or rather my daughter went shopping with my credit card which I happens to carry!! Trying to kit her out for her 1st year at University!...

Oh Boy! Didn't I loose pounds!! unfortunately not of the kind which need to be lost.....

Anyway at the chemist shop in this town we were, she dared me to go on to the scales!... SSSCCCRRREEEAAAMMM!!!!!!!!!!!

30p to know my weight!!!!!!!! and.......... that WHOLE Stone I was so proud to have lost some months back has returned!!!!!! with a sister!!!!!!!!

I now need to loose them both!!!!!!!!!!

BOOHOOHOO!!!!!Sniff!!!!! Sniff!!!!!! Kleenex factories worldwide are out of tissues!!!!! BOOHOOHOO!!!!
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I know this is going to be very contraversial (spelling???) but here goes.

What are your views on slimming pills??  Those prescribed by a doctor (not the ones so easily availiable on the net. As I cant see that these would work or could be dangerous and are very expensive)

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Hi, Naps

Next mini goal.....perhaps 1k between now & 11th, start gently, shallwe...thats 1lb a week. Is that ok or do you want to getreally serious from day 1? I'm 81k now, so we are pretty level.

Anyone else up for a mini challenge?

It just helps to have a goal that is attainable, then after 2 weeks, look out, the targets will climb as the weight drops!!

If we don't do this, we will always be "tomorrow" women and I for one am fed up with being one!!!  All that stands between me now and me being slim is what I eat, so if I want to be slim for my daughters wedding in August it starts NOW...with your help of course


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You're on - but as it's two weeks away, and everyone does well at the start of a diet I'd like to up the target to 2kgs weight loss.  You say you're serious too as you've a goal, so we'll do it this time - together.

The hardest part is going to be keeping it going while on holiday (I go away the week of the 11th!), but that's a different matter.

The OH has just walked in and is using his reverse psychology  approach, you know the kind of statements... 'nah,you'll never do it', he means well, but it's only me who can sort this body out.

His next more positive suggestion was to get out with the dog now for a half hour brisk walk - suppose I'd better go and get my shoes on! (Another bonus is that it will get me away from this glass of wine - oops!)

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Had a naughty stuff-my-face week and put on a centimetre around my waist.

Will be good now.

Did any of you see in The Sunday Times business pages, one of these top women who is a thin as a rake and virtually all her life she has been on a "green diet" and everything "white" is banned?  If you think about white food (apart from chicken) it is all the baddies:  rice, pasta, bread, flour, cream, milk etc.

She says that she was a chubby child and her mother took her to the doctor and she started it then...I would calculate in the late 50's early 60's.  Somethings never change and somethings aren't that new either!

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Great Lorna -let's see if the our willpower matches our good intention.

We're coming over to the UK for a couple of weeks from 13th July. Driving up to Calais, 4 days in Suffolk, 4 days in Lincolnshire, 4 days in Northumberland and then the long slog home.

Looking forward to being back here already!

Weighed in at 79.7 this morning, so the dog walking and dieting are going well.

Gone back to the traditional, healthly, low fat, reasonable portions, with absolutely NO SNACKING between meals.

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I GIVE UP!!!!!

I've put on 2lbs this week, despite eating loads of salads. 

Had the results of my blood tests which confirm that I am menopausal.  We have a friend staying at the moment who is a nurse.  She tells me to give up trying to lose weight at the moment because as I am menopausal my hormones are all over the place and trying to diet is really a waste of time.  She suggests I let my hormones settle down a bit before trying again. 

I have a feeling that may be sensible advice.  As I've stayed more or less the same for about 3 months now, it appears I'm battling my own body trying to lose weight, so I'll wait for a while and see what happens - not that that is an excuse to stuff my face mind you.


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Morning all,

Jan, sorry to hear of your predicament, it's awful when you have a what you thought was a good week, only to put weight on - perhaps after a while and once everything has settled it will all go better for you?

I've been as good as gold this week, stuck to less than 5g of fat per 100g (except a couple of reward packets of crips - oops!)  Wine has been the downfall though - but I think I've tackled my lack of willpower by removing the offending item from the 'fridge!

Down to 78.9kg today, that's 2kg down in 9 days - 1 week left to get that 900gms off and hit the first goal.  How are you doing Lorna?

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Hello Jan

So pleased to hear someone is in the same position as me. I have been meopausal for 4 years. No matter how much I eat I don't put on weight , well perhaps one kilo, but no matter how little I eat sometimes just a couple of apples a day I can't lose weight. Would love to lose 10 kilos;

Felt as though I was going mad until I saw your posting. Will let you know if I discover some miracle cure.

Another Jan

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For those who are menopausal and wondering why they've put weight on I found this info...

Causes of weight gain
There are a number of factors that may contribute to the weight gain associated with the menopause, namely:

  • lack of female hormones which slows down metabolism
  • use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • slowing down of basic metabolism with increasing age
  • lack of exercise
  • increased food intake due to emotional problems such as depression

It then goes on to say what can be done to tackle each of the problems...


I guess sorting my weight out prior to the menopause isn't enough, I've a whole new struggle ahead!  No wonder I feel like I spend half of my life dieting.


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Hello Naps

Many thanks for the website info. A quick read through and it appears in my case a slow down in metabolism is the problem.

Pre menopausal and  2 years in I was very slim. Another 2 years on despite sensible eating and lots of excercise I am very frumpy and probably 10 kilos overweight. Possibly time to give the green tea a try aagh.

The other Jan

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Hi Naps,

You have done much better than me, I have lost a measley 0.5k despite no alcohol & no cheats!

Your comments re. menopause have made me think. I have been on HRT for 15+ years, and for the last 4-5 have had this creeping weight gain which defies my best efforts to halt.

Earlier this year I had to come off it for a couple of months & my weight went down by 3k or so.  That, you would think would be the answer....problem is, I had the most horrendous flushes, night & day.  I was a sister in a menopause clinic before I retired, I trotted out advice on HRT, flushes etc, but I can tell you, if I had had any idea how ill they can make you feel, I would have had more sympathy.

So, what do I do, come off it & drop weight & feel wretched, or keep on with this seemingly impossible task of dieting?

Its cool here in England at present, but the thought of flushes in hot weather.....ug!

What do you all think, all advice accepted with thanks.



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Lorna, as a sister in a menopause clininc you must know that the benefits of HRT outweigh the disadvantages re prevention etc. I had a total hysterectomy at the age of 39 so have been in the menopause for nearly 7 yrs now. Like everyone else slowly but surely despite healthy eating,dieting,exercise the weight has crept on, gone from a size 10 to a 14. I,ve given up on the dieting forum coz nothing I do seems to have any effect. I won,t stop the HRT because I know it protects me from a lot of things and also the hot flushes are bad enough on it never mind what they,re like not on it. I,ve more or less..say,s she...accepted the fact that I,m not going to loose anything,don,t like it but it,s either that or cry through frustration. I,m just trying to eat sensibly but enjoying something if I want to and hoping that just maybe a couple of little kilos might disappear. I think that in the menopause we just have to accept ourselves are we are.(not easy though)


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[quote]Lorna, as a sister in a menopause clininc you must know that the benefits of HRT outweigh the disadvantages re prevention etc. I had a total hysterectomy at the age of 39 so have been in the menopause...[/quote]

Like you I had a hysterectomy at 39 and was put on to HRT. My doctor, my mother and my friends had warned me that I would put on weight. I went in the space of 6 to 8 months from a regular 16 to 22!! From 11 stone to 14+1/2!!!!!!!! Had a real freight!!!!!!!!!

I felt absolutely blotted and started to have difficulties with my fingerjoints. I thought arthritis was setting in. I stopped my HRT almost immediately and after about 2 to 3 months noticed that my fingers were getting better and my weight came down a bit. Certainly my dress size got steady at 20/18 depending on where I bought the clothes.

My conclusion was that HRT was not for me and weaned myself of it.

I thought it was best to cut down on all sugar/sweet/pastries/bread/potatoes/coffee/rice/pastas/red meat/drink...

My entire feeding habits and social life turned round.

I am not a saint however and do have an occasional binge with friends followed by serious abstinence and excercise...

I have a long way to go before regaining my size 16. I think though at my

age it will be unrealistic so I have settled to be a 18. My weight is at comfortable level but could go down still. I am OK with hotflushes luckily not many...

Anyway for the next 8 hours not much will happen as I am sitting at a desk! Only a green salad of lettuce, peas, greens beans, tomatoes with a squirt of olive oil and vinegar dressing, lots and lots of water during the day, and a short walk round the industrial estate!.. No pastry shop in sight to tempt me!! though I will be walking pass the bacon butty van and I so want one! ... One day maybe!....
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Hi to both

Just to check, are you aware that if you had your ovaries removed at hysterectomy, you will not be able to store calcium, so you must have a good daily intake, to prevent things like osteoporosis.

Think this post has ended up needing to be on the Health forum!!!

Have decided to stay on HRT at least till the end of the summer.

Many thanks for your help

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Thanks Lorna, yes I did know and I,m not a great dairy eater..hate cheese, have a yoghourt approx twice a month, bit of skimmed milk in a tea/coffee twice a day. Maybe I should take some calcium supplements...on top of taking medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol (meonpause related?) hiatus hernia..great fun getting old isn,t it..what on earth wil I be like when I,m sixty?


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Fully sympathise Janey. I was a size 8 before nemopause now 14 going on 16. Even just 2 apples per day , honestly nothing else except coffee, wont shift half a kilo. I did think it was an oestrogen problem as I am not on HRT but obviously based on your history that's not the case. Have read that green tea gets the metabolism going. I hate the stuff but has anyone any experience.


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You are getting me worried.  I seem to be a lot older than all or most of you and I haven't had a sign of any change.


Mind you, I thought it would be all over and done with at 50 so shows what I know. 

I'm going to look at these sites. 

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Hello Alexis

I am now 56 menopause finally started at 50 and weight has crept on slowly since then. Size 8 to hate to say it 14. For the last two years no matter how much I eat I don't put on weight but unfortunately no matter how little I eat I don't lose an ounce. I always thought I was a fairly intelligent reasonable sort but I can't work this one out. Can fully sympathise with the soles you see on chat shows who swear to not overeating but nobody believes them.

Perhaps its all in the genes, but not my jeans haven't seen them for years, but ever hopeful.


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Sorry the forum has turned into a health forum!

But isn't dieting sensibly part of good health?...

As to us hysterectomic/menopausal women that is what my OH says of it :

'It's just like when you castrate a lamb or a bullock, it will fatten lovely for market!'

The monster!! isn't HE awful!!!

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