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Just to keep everyone on the straight and narrow here's a little reminder.....

Did you know that all alcohol contains around 7 calories* per gram?     

It’s more loaded with calories than many foods.
Small glass of wine = about 90 cals
Half-pint of beer = about 90 cals
25ml measure of spirits = about 50 cals
Added to this, alcohol stimulates our appetite but reduces our self-control, making it easy to eat too much – so drinking could be a much greater source of weight gain than you suspected.

So look at that glass of wine and think "FAT"!!!!!!

The hardest thing for me in all this is that all that healthy stuff just isn't appetising!   I don't think I've ever had a strong desire to eat an apple, not ever in my life.   I don't like oranges, and since I stopped drinking coffee a couple of months ago, even the smell of a banana is beurk.    I can't explain it, but fruit just doesn't trigger anything anywhere within me. 

Even my cravings, during both pregnancies, were for carbs, you wouldn't believe the packets of Smash I went through just to get enough into me, cos it always had to be RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!

So, now that I've cleared a little space around my exercise bike, I guess I'd better get on it.  I jump onto the scales in every house I go into (that's at least 6 different sets of scales every week!), and I'm hovering somewhere between 63.8 and 65.2, depending on which ones you want to believe!

Okay, LeClerc first, then some exercise to get rid of these fat bits.  Maybe.  


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Little fanfare please.........I went into town yesterday (first time since March) and bought a new skirt, IN A SMALLER SIZE That means that I am at my size (although not my weight) target!!!

OK I'm still not slim, but I am at a size that I know I can maintain and its easy to buy reasonable clothes in - yippee!!

Now the 'bad' bit - I had some chocolate orange, but you know its doesn't taste as good as it once did, if only I could 'go off' wine ..........
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Its ironic, the only time I'm not hungry is if ive been drinking but it looks as though I probably consume as many calories when I drink as when I eat Theres no hope for me!

Well done those who have lost

Its 40 degrees in the sun here and I need to get into shorts and cozzie so my incentive is back (hopefully)

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Utter, utter failure.  Since I said I was going back on the diet, I have eaten twice or even three times as much as usual.

However, Gilles ate the last bag of Maltesers, the modest bar of CDM is 'hidden' in the fridge and this morning it was bacon and eggs.

So started at last!  Salmon for lunch....

Going back to the UK the end of August and I will be slimmer

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Hi All

Never mind Alexis - I'm the same.  Have not lost a single ounce for a couple of months now and I'm getting really fed up .

I really don't know what it is I have to do to lose weight.  I've tried and tried and been good - I feel like raiding the cake tin (OH's) buying chocolate (ooops - I already did that) and just getting stuck into some real comfort eating, despite the hot weather.

Yesterday, my old boss from a job I had 25 years ago came for a couple of days (she has a house in Riberac, Dordogne and is the reason I fell in love with France after staying there with OH).  I haven't seen her for about 6 years so it was really great to catch up over a good meal and a bottle or two if wine.  She likes walking, so we did a bit of that, but still no weight loss.

Still, there's always next week

I'm trying to stay positive and my new motto is "don't despair, you'll get there" (eventually).


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[quote]Where's everyone gone? No change yet again for me this week. This is getting really frustrating and boring. How's everyone else doing? Jan[/quote]

Not too good here either!

Just come back from a week visiting my French family and ...O! dear!... all these lovely dishes everyone one fed me with, lovely baguettes and lovely cheeses and all these delicious patisseries...Absolutely OD-ed on local products wherever we went...

So much so that my daughter is now on a NO-sugar/sweets/puddings/ice-cream diet! Though I caught her sneakily stuffing herself with some brioche covered with 'fraises des bois'jam (homemade by her French Gran) for her breakfast this morning.....

No scales at home to verify (loss) or gain of weight but just to get my office work suits back on, needed a little gymnastic to fit in...Just a little too tight around the waist!!

Thank heaven I am in straight jacket UK for the next 4 months...
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I kept getting the server out page yesterday so I didn't post.  Turned out that my posts did actually arrive though.

I have had an excellent week.  I fell into the clutches of some new potatoes but bravely fought them off.  I am being very strict during the week but less so at the weekend.  No carbs though.  Except for cake  Sunday is patisserie day.

I just love Atkins....  I know it is only fluid this week but the difference is amazing.

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Another good week.  Cheated a bit by eating some raspberries and strawberries - stupid diet - but it is a long time till next year when they come round again!

Still not quite down to the measurements I had when I slipped off the wagon in March but getting there.

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After a two week absence I'm back.

The move went well, and two weeks into French life we're up and running with the computer again - so all is well.

I wish I could say the same for my diet, but there was just far too much temptation - trying to get that back on track too, but we'll see how it goes!

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Well I am back on track this week - drinking litres of water, I don't like the heat very much and find it very easy to diet in this weather provided I stay away from wine and lager.

I think I have put on a few pounds so will have to redouble my efforts.....

Come on ladies - just think bikini
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Well! Just sat outside my office at work. No such nice place as a lovely garden and benches and some shade from ornamental trees but the lawn edge of the factory carpark I have to make do with... Ate a mayo-tuna-potato salad and as things are not too brilliant at work this week, I took vengeance on quarter pound of pistachio nuts! and a NON diet coke...

So that's that for losing weight...

The only pounds I will lose for the time being are those in my purse!

My son has just come back from Uni and announced that he is re-doing his 3rd year!! having miserably failed at his degree...

So one more year in Blighty! I am so looking forward to be free of my kids. I love them both to bits don't misunderstand, but at 23 it's high time to fly the nest my son... At least his sister (20) is adamant that on finishing Uni, she will have her first teaching job! Let's hope she doesn't come off her tracks!

I so want to return home to eat all the lovely vegs and fruits my father grows in his garden...At least I won't feel so guilty to stuff myself with this wholesome food and all for a good cause : That of losing more pounds!!

Only coming home to roost... Sorry Mum and Dad!!!
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haven't had time to post for a couple of weeks (have been to busy eating:hehe

The weather is soooo hot Ive not eaten much this last week so maybe i'm back on track

Would love to feel comfortable in some shorts or the like so looks like i'll have to stick at it. 

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Well done everyone.

Me - I'm feeling really miserable at the moment.  No weight loss for weeks and this morning I'm 4lb heavier than last week

I plucked up the courage to go to the doctors last week to talk about menopause and hot flushes (which I really don't need this weather) and he has given me some tablets to help my hot flushes.  Possible side effects, fluid retention and weight gain.  Oh - and not allowed to drink alcohol with them.  Have to take them for 20 days.  I haven't started them yet as it's my birthday tomorrow and I'm blowed if I'm having a birthday without a glass or two of wine.  So Friday will be tablet day.

Not only that, but I got a severe ticking off from the doc for smoking, so I've set my "quit date" for the end of August when I get back from England.  More weight gain.  Why the end of August you may ask?  I've tried giving up before and I know (and my husband confirms) that I become "the bitch from hell" and seeing as we have a stream of visitors over the next few weeks, I don't think it would be fair to them .

With all this going on, I may as well give up with attempting to diet


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Hi to you all

I'm back in blighty after a month in France, running a rally just south of Biarritz for 2 weeks...what a joy!!....then resting at the farmhouse we are going to rent from September.

Don't know if anyone will remember, I was asking for tips on etiquette when eating with the elderly farmer & his wife, well.....all worked out really well, so thanks to you all.

9 weeks now till we start our 10 month rental, lots to do!!

Jan, we had a mini challenge going, how did you do? I have come back about 2k heavier, not too bad.  Its the cheeses, always the cheeses in France that are my downfall.


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Lorna, Glad the trip went well.....

Jan - have a look at http://forums.livingfrance.com/shwmessage.aspx?ForumID=284&MessageID=195879

Now put that b****y fag out !!

I have put on 4lbs over a period - drat, not only have I got to lose those pounds again but eating the 'wrong' food and drinking the 'wrong' drink has lead to a bout of colitis.... so I am on a very limited regime at present

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Lorna - welcome back - I failed our mini-challenge too.

It's the bread with me, ok so not just the bread but the salted butter spread thickly over it. I've gained approx 2kgs too - ouch.  Stepped on the scales this morning - 80.9kgs!!!  However, there is a good side to living here (in addition to the fact that we're loving it) - in our bathroom we've got a huge, unavoidable mirror, which reveals every roll of flab and square inch of cellulite.  It's the first time I've had a full length mirror in years and what a shock it was. 

Have sworn to start dieting and had a good day, but there's a long, long way to go.  Perhaps by Christmas I'll hit a dream weight?

What's our next goal?

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