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Naps - do you really need an exercise DVD if you have a Rhodesian Ridgeback

Friends have an RR and it took me for a walk when they visited.  Gorgeous dog, great fun.  .... and yes, he ate the scraps, and he was more than likely to finish your cup of tea while your back was turned. 


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Can anyone tell me what to eat when I come in from work (yes, work, it's brilliant, I love it!!!) absolutely ravenous?

I've tried to be very good and healthy, but the acid in apples just makes me feel hungrier, carrots are a waste of time too, so what do I end up doing?   Today it was 3 packets of crisps and a couple of large pieces of panettone left over from yesterday.  Oh the shame!

For that instant yummy hit, it's got to be carbs.   Has anyone found an alternative that works?  I get very unhappy if I'm too hungry, did Atkins for a while but found myself heading towards depression, it was horrible.

Any ideas?   Merci! 

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Hi Naps

Everyone is doing something different, South Beach, Slimming World, cutting out alcohol .  It's just a case of sharing our successes (or in my case failures) and a chance to chat, weigh in and compare notes.

Me - I'm desperate at the moment.  Tried South Beach but it brought back my hot flushes, and despite trying to be reeeeally good this week, I sneaked a weigh in this morning and found I'd put on a pound.  Interesting to see what tomorrow brings (Tuesdays is weigh in day).  I'm seriously thinking of going to the doctor to get my thyroid checked as I just can't seem to lose weight.  I've given up crisps, chocolate and I don't have bread every day now, but my weight either stays the same or, as it has this week, gone up. 

Allegedly, sometimes starting the menopause can bring on thyroid problems.  Bloody menopause has a lot to answer for

My Carte Vitale arrived this morning, so I think it's a visit to the docs to get some blood tests done.

Good luck whatever method you choose to try and lose a few pounds. 


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First in line today - so you can tell I've been good ALL week!

We went Japanese for my birthday with a set teppenaki(?) meal and I skipped the noodles and left between the main meal and dessert - so no temptation.  I felt I deserved to lose a few pounds for that.

If that wasn't enough, I baked a chocolate birthday cake with the kids and decorated it with strawberries and chocolate frosting (and didn't lick the bowl, spoon or even fingers). The kids had a couple of slices each, the babysitter one, and my sister another - then yesterday I put the rest in the dog's bowl.  Now I'm not asking for a medal, but hitting goal weight would have been appreciated!!!

I have been rewarded though, ok so I haven't turned into Cindy Crawford overnight, but I weighed in at 76.9 kgs.

Lorna, don't worry - I'm happy to keep the goal weight of 77kgs for the 17th as we're off to France tomorrow through to Sunday, and I know it's going to be impossible for me to follow this diet, just maintaining will be a miracle.

Hope everyone else had a good week.

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Hi all

I am weighing in at 82.9kg this week   meaning ive put on 2kgs

I feel that Ive lost incentive and determination and could really do with a boost has anyone any tips for quick start weight loss so I can get back on track seeing a couple of llbs/kgs drop off this coming week would certainly give me the incouragement I desperatly need


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"could really do with a boost has anyone any tips for quick start weight loss"  Benson

Drink water, water and more water.  Fill up with water so you have less room for food - more importantly less appetite for food. Also, try to build a little more exercise into your day.  Even a short walk will help.

"Can anyone tell me what to eat when I come in from work (yes, work, it's brilliant, I love it!!!) absolutely ravenous?"  Saligo Bay

What about unsalted nuts and raisins.  Especially walnuts as they are lower in fat than other nuts.  Or perhaps a small tin of peach slices or other fruit (in fruit juice though not sure if that's readily available in France).  Or a small bowl of cereal?  A banana or even two!  A bowl of natural yogurt with a swirl of runny honey or nuts and raisins or all three!

By the way, congratulations on your job. I am also feeling v. pleased with myself as I was offered a job yesterday!

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Naps, What willpower! I can resist savoury things, no problem, but cake...I'd probably sell my soul, these days for a slurp of buttercream.

You have reached our mini-target, no slacking now.....congratulations.

I have stayed the same this week,  78.8k I really thought I'd done well, ah well, I'm told that when you really start dieting again it may take a week to kick in....or am I deluding myself.  As you are off gadding this weekend, maybe things will weigh a little different next week.

Have a great time, we'll be dieting for a while, I think and enjoying life is just as important.

I'm off for a walk now, will wear my pedometer & see if I can reach my 10,000 steps today...thats about 4 miles..one can dream.

To the poster who is looking for a quick fix of food, how about low fat yogurt with an apple chopped in it, with a teaspoon of honey.  Low in calories, is sweet & takes ages to eat. You could add a dozen raisins if you are feeling really daring

I am doing Slimming World, good for me as I love fruit and I can eat lots . I also find that carbohydrates stick to my ribs, so to have a diet which is like the best of Atkins (lots of protein) with a little carbs and lots of fruit suits me well.

To those of us who haven't lost this week....hang on in there, it will come off, albeit slowly.


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Well having tried all these months to lose weight after being poorly last week (and losing 8lbs in 4 days!)I now have to EAT !!to build up my strength again......

I think overall I have lost another 3lbs which means I have just a stone to go (and 67lbs GONE !! yippee!!)

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Well done Gay, that,s brilliant Keep up the good work!!

I,ve been very good, loads of walking but nothing,s happening, think my body,s given up. Fed up dieting

Well...I suppose I could give it another go..especially as Gay,s worked so hard

I really really really will try HARD this week.


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Oh my god is it Tuesday again already!

Just got on the scales and have lost 700g not much and I really am fed up of dieting now Im fine for about 2 weeks then it alls goes to pot.

Im just so hungry all the time all I want to do is eat I know I eat to much but I just cant satisfy my hunger.

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Benson, that,s good, nearly 1 1/2 pounds

Please don,t talk about eating..I,ve had my lunch, tuna salad, then a zero percent fromage frais, then an apple. I,m now pacing up and down the lounge trying not to think of food when all I want is a bloody great bar of chocolate


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Try increasing your protein - its more slowly digested and keeps you full, longer. For instance I have breakfast, usually an egg and small portion of cereal, then mid morning I have an ounze of cheese (a baby bel or similar) or slice of ham. Mid afternoon I have nuts (usually almonds)

A friend of mine always complained of what she called 'low blood sugar', unless she had something mid morning she felt light headed, but her breakfast was a large bowl of fruit every morning. Once she cut out the fruit and replaced it with protein the problem disappeared.

Might be worth a try.......
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Not a good week, but I knew that being in France would be hard!  We had a really hectic trip with little time to eat, so the sandwich stops at all the train stations were just toooo handy.

That and the extra wine (not that the nibbles with all the wine had anything to do with it)!

Up again to 78.9 kgs - failed to meet the target well and truely!!!

Hopefully it will drop off as quick as it came on, but it won't be easy - we've a moving date of 31st May - that leaves less than 2 weeks to say all my goodbye's here, and each goodbye will be accompanied with tea/coffee + biscuits, etc., etc. 

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I confess that I have not met our mini-target either, I don't feel as though I have done much wrong, but am still 78.8K

I'm off to France on Monday, for a month... I'll catch up and confess all when I get back.

Best of luck on your move...we've got it to do yet!!

Have a good month


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Lorna - thanks for making me feel much better!  So, we're about level pegging still and we'll both be spending a great deal of time in France in the next 4+ weeks, so how about a new goal?  A good weight loss is 1.5 kg per week, so trying hard should see us lose over 6kgs each - but being realistic, how about 4kgs by 21 June?

Hope you enjoy the trip and everything works out well for you.

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Hi All

I too am getting fed up with dieting.  Been really good - hardly any wine last week as well as food.  Have spent the last 3 days digging up a cobbled floor in our "lounge" and barrowing the stones out to the pigsty and for all my effort, I've put on a pound.  Tried to convince myself I've developed muscle after all that digging and barrowing, but I don't think so.

Well done the rest of you though - keep going.


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Found the right diet yet?....

I am amazed as to how popular this thread is!... It is the one with the most number of pages of all the forums and threads!...

For what it's worth : In for a penny, in for a pound!

My diet consists of

Breakfast - 1 bowl of porridge with 1/2 spoon of moscovado sugar and plenty orange juice to drink

Elevenses - 1 cup of lemon tea, no milk, no sugar, 1 apple or other fruit in season

Lunch - A salad box: Any of the following in any combination which takes my fancy in the morning before I go to work. Variety of lettuce leaves, tomatoes, green peas, green beans, celery, grated carrot or celeriac, soft boiled eggs (6 minutes or Oeuf Mollet!)tuna, steamed fish such as cod, colley, haddock, salmon or trout, dressing made of a little salt & pepper, a drizzle of vinegar and olive oil. Sometime some cheese with oatcakes. Plenty of water.

Quatre heures - 1 apple or pear or fruit in season (NO bananas) and a cup of mint tea, no milk, no sugar.

Supper : Soup freshly made with vegetable and my own meat stock or sometime a bit of roast chicken and seasonal vegs or a home made quiche or any left over from the Sunday roast

In all I have cut out as much as possible ALL potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, cassoulet type beans dishes, cakes, biscuits...

Exercise : My sedentary job in an office and other than the housekeeping chores and the occasional walk with a friend, the trolley dash in the supermarket I try not to 'over' do it! My best exercise is to pour a glass of white wine in the evening... Naughty!!!but so nice!

Seems boring! but truly I have lost over 1 stone in 4 years.

Before that : one drastic op, children away at school and an 'easy-ish' business to run (i.e not much stress to it) and my diet was from breakfast time until about 5pm : GALLONS!!! of coffee with no less 3 spoons of Nescaf (YUK!) and enough sugar to stand a ship's mast in it! French bread with huge dollops of mayo, salt & peper, my husband curries! so much chillies and garlic in it that I ate more rice than needed just to cool down and plenty beer/lager. And the trolley dash and zapping from channels to channels on the TV in teh evening.

And I was a wapping 13 1/2 stones! Got frightened when dress size went up from regular 16 to a massive 22!!

Still more work to do... So there....

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Keep up the good work Missyesbut! The kilo I lost a couple of weeks back, went back on again but to my pleasant surprise I,d lost it again this morningJust got back with the dog after walking vigorously for 90 minutes, hungry but going to have an apple.


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Hi all

Weight loss of 200g this week but still heavier than I was when I started weighing in

Am now suffering headaches almost daily and am craving all things sweet,  biscuits, icecream cakes etc etc

A considering atrip to the Docs but dont really know what to ask for

Keep it up everyone

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[quote]Hi all Weight loss of 200g this week but still heavier than I was when I started weighing in Am now suffering headaches almost daily and am craving all things sweet, biscuits, icecream cakes etc e...[/quote]

You are going 'cold turkey' on sweet things! Watch out you don't have the early days of diabetes...

If sweet things you must have, sweet things you will eat, but limit it to fruits. Better for you : natural vitamins, natural sugars and none of these chemicals which have been added into the manufacturing of cakes, biscuits etc...

Your body was not made as a recycling depot for all these chemicals and additives and preservatives... Depot it certainly is...Look at your hips!

Sorry to be sounding like a preacher!...You can see I am a 'saved' person! and going on a mission like a zelot!...

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Depot it certainly is...Look at your hips!

Can you see me through your screen?:

The strange thing is I dont normally eat sweet stuff I'm truely a savory person!

I'm all for being 'saved' if it can get me into the 70kg range and into shorts and a swimsuit this summer.  I think what I really need is a miracle

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