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Vegetarian wine


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As we are on the subject can anyont tell me why I should not eat meat and fish bearing in mind I try not to eat intensively farmed produce?

Also does anyone know how vegiterians (so called) think there is a difference in eating fish and meat?   I was a strict veggie for 6 years and brought my daughter up the same way for 5 years and I cant answer these questions    (devoted carnivore now   yum yum )

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"Vegan" wine is guaranteed to be free of gelatin but being made with yeast it is only vegan in a very archaic sense (once upon a time folk thought yeasts were plants).

There is absolutely no reason not to eat meat appart from a particular allergy. not liking the taste or an addiction to cuddly toys. I once knew a vegetarian who ate fish because "they weren't cuddly".

Unfortunately these days most of the animals that end up on the average persons plate lead short brutified lives and have hideous deaths. The only sure alternative is to raise and slaughter your own meat which is, thankfully, rather easier in France.

Organic production and small scale, local slaughter are the way ahead but the cards are stacked against it. Agribusiness holds all the aces right now. I know, that's how I got out of agribuisiness even though I could have been making stacks of money right now crossing tomatoes with frogs.

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Good reply motorhead as always but i'm still waiting for a reply to my posting or do the veggies think i'm below contempt, the truth is I would be very interested to hear why people dont eat properly farmed meat in this day and age
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Surely it's just the first glass that is of concern, after that it becomes academic?

Seriously, though, as a committed animal-lover I became a veggie overnight for over 12 years.  I then went back to carnivorousness five years ago, again overnight.  I felt neither better nor worse physically but did gain quite a bit of weight as a veggie and also felt more comfortable emotionally.  I still feel a certain amount of guilt about it so just maybe I'll re-convert (but after this gigot..) - it's good to know one's own mind!!

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To partly answer your question, Krill, I am not a veggie but my friend Alan is (partial). When I asked him why he told me that most meat seems to him to have an unpleasant taste and texture, so he avoids it. Seems fair enough - there are a few things I don't eat for the same reason, and I don't eat much red meat these days similarly. Another friend, Sue, is almost Vegan, and she doesn't eat meat(including eggs) on ethical grounds, not wanting that anything should die for her consumption. Again that seems a fair enough position to take.

I don't mind any of that, I just object to holier-than-thou attitudes and attempts to force views down people's throats (pun intended).
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I've never had a vegan staying with us, but we have had many vegetarians over the years. My problem is that once they say that they don't eat meat and sometimes not fish either, then for some reason my mind the only recipes I can think of are with meat and fish. It isn't as if we eat meat or fish every day either. And it always happens.


Hitler was a vegetarian wasn't he. The notion of which is enough to put me off any such idea. And I don't reckon we would be here if our ancestors had become so fussy, didn't being omnivores see us through?

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I am neither vegan or vegetarian, but I do like ( as far as possible) to know what I am eating. (I am waiting to be jumped on here).

But I am grateful to chocccie for making me think about the rubbish that goes into my wine. I, also like Ty expected that the odd fly or peasant's toenail might get into the mix but some of those other additions just don't bear thinking about.

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A very flawed concept in many ways Dick.

Years ago there was a fad called fruitarianism in which the concept was to eat only the parts of the plant which were given up voluntarily for animal consumption. As far as I know this had died out but not before they seriously bent the rules to include things like nuts in the diet.

I take it that vegans don't eat things like carrots then.

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Lemmy - I'm not a veggie! I am just saying that I know some people who are, and I have talked to them about it. I don't have a problem if they want to live like that, but I don't want it for myself.

Given the timing of your message I assume you are also a paid-up member of the insomniacs club?
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OK, here's one that has give us many excuses to stay for an extra pint of Fullers pride in the old pub.

What happens if we all become vegans ? For starters, what does the future hold for all the animals no longer eaten and the inevitable offspring, lots of Q's but how many may have the ecological (among other) answers ?

Over to you "insomniacs" (or any others !)this will give you something to do whilst not sleeping

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