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Juicy barbecued beef steak


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While living in France this summer, we've eaten outside almost everyday.

Barbecueing seems a traditional male task in our house, don't ask me why.

Problem is I'm no chef, and my barbecued steaks although pink inside, have varied between dryish to shoe leather. I've parted with good money at local butcher, market butcher-van and prepacked supermarket. 

I've usually gone for faux filet cut around 2cms thick, grilled 2-3 minutes both sides on a gas grill.

Any tips or recipes greatly appreciated before the weather drives us indoors.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Just picked this up. I grill steak on a gas barbecue in the UK( but not from next week when we move permanently to France, hooray). I always use sirlion and I marinade it in a recipe from Floyd on Fire, its in storage now but as I recollect it, you put two tablespoons of olive oil and one of mustard he suggests English prepared, but I use Dijoin or Meaux. whip the two together and then pour over the steak which should be in a dish then salt and pepper both side) cover with clingfilm and put in a fridge for at least an hour ( I try and do it for 2 or even all day) turn ooccasionally Then bbarbecuefor about three minutes a side bbrushingthe rest of the marindae on dduringthe cooking. I have never had a failure yet and I am no great chef.

I hope you haven't been driven indoors yet from the bbarbecue


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Great! I was beginning to think there were only vegans on this forum.

I see there are a few of copies of the Floyd on Fire book on ebay. I may risk a couple of quid or so.

Concerning meat generally, I read somewhere, maybe here, that the French hang their meat differently. I don't remember if it's for a longer or shorter time.

I wonder if this could contribute to the cooking process?

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Is your BBQ open or closed? I've got a closed one by Weber and you can't get the meat wrong. Just heat the BBQ up, turn the heat down, put your meat on with a closed lid for 3-5min each side and it will be as you like it.

BTW, barbecuing is a male task because men only cook when there is danger involved!
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