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Goose Fat & Garlic


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It's back in print (hurrah!) after many years, spotted it on Amazon the other day.  This is one of those books I had, loved and lost leaving it accidentally in a gite many years ago.  Jeanne Strang is the author and it's arguably the definitive recipe book for dishes from the SW.  Rest assured though there's lots more to it than duck a thousand different ways.  Her guinea fowl cooked in coming-soon figs, for example, is a dish to die for.  M
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I agree its a great recipe book, fortuneatley I still have mine, and as we are moving to 66 in a month we will be able to cook from it more often than we have been able to in the UK, as the figs for example are so much cheaper than in Waitrose were we currently shop.


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It is the only book I have ever found about SW Wines. Its not a nice glossy thats for sure but it has so much detail on unheard of vineyards that it's a must for me. We love Cahors wine and its well worth it just for directions on how to get to certain Chateaux.

As for figs, I reckon 2 weeks time for 47 . Now, what am I going to do with them all ?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Since you have got me salivating and I can't wait to order one these famous books, please, please  could you let me have the recipe??? As I have got some friends coming for dinner and I want to prove that the Anglais don't boil all meat!! Thank you in anticipation Lilly
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Lilly, Amazon sent me a mail yesterday saying shipment would be delayed 3-5 weeks as they couldn't get hold of the book, despite the fact it said dispatched within 24 hrs when I ordered it.  I would print the recipe as I remember and prepare it but last time I did something similar here I was put through the mangle by serious cooks on the Forum who criticised my lack of accurate quantities and timing.  So I'd better not.  Though I hope someone else does.  Actually, I made the dish last Friday and the figs (probably way too many) caramelised into a stickyish gravy, which was absolutely scrummy and our own visitors commented on the heavenly smell emanating from the kitchen as they approached the house through the garden.  M


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  • 1 month later...
Arthur, I must read this, you recommended it before, didn't you?  We've grown very fond of Languedoc wines and were saying recently how much they have improved in the last few years, beyond recognition in fact.  Anyone remember when Sainsbury's Minervois used to be the cheapest French plonk around?  Wasn't it 50p a bottle back in the late 70s?  Anyway, I reluctantly admit widespread improvement may be due to techniques pioneered by the, ahem, Australians but, tant pis, end results are very pleasurable.  M
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Now we live in Pyrenees Orientates we have become very chauvinistic over wine and normally will only buy local which I agree is now good. That said there is still some awful stuff about. The revelation to me was drinking cold red wine in the summer with tapas it was really nice. At the moment a fitness and weight loss regime has broken out in the saville household so its wine only on a saturday night, which makes it really important we get it right.


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