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Drinking wine


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Where do you live Mark?  I'll stop off next time I'm in your area!  I didn't dare respond to this thread before because I thought everyone would think I have a serious drink problem.  At the moment I haven't had a drink for over a week because I'm trying to do a bit of dieting before my trip back to the UK in November (or none of my friends will recognise me after all this good living in France).

My husband and I probably have a similar intake to you and Phoenix most of the time.  And for years we drank a lot more than that, so these days are quite proud of our "moderate" intake.  My doctor never thought it was a problem either.  In fact, she told me that she believed that I was actally telling the truth.  She said that generally GPs double the amount of units most people admit to because they know it will be nearer to the truth!

There's another old addage, something about giving up sex, booze and fags makes you live longer, or perhaps it just FEELS longer

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Miki, you know I only mention the Pride to wind you up! I also got a Wetherspoon's traditional breakfast for £1.99, which isn't bad. The coffe cost almost as much (£1.20)

What has worried me lately is that I only have to be in France for a week before I want a curry - and I'm not a big curry eater (watch it!) normally. I think it's because I eat out a lot (holiday attitudes) and though often delicious, French food nowadays often lacks strong flavours.

What do other people think about the 5 litre boxes for quaffing wines or vins de table? I don't mean compared to good wines, but compared to cheapo everyday stuff?
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“I seem to have annoyed the ubiquitous Miki again."

Oh, is that your pathetic claim to fame or something?

"...My reply (Miki) was not meant to be taken seriously (I haven't been taken seriously for a couple of decades !!!)”

Read it again, three of us did find it written seriously and posted as such. Having read it again, it still comes across as serious, I certainly cannot see how it was meant to be funny, cause there is nothing even funny or ironic to be read in to it !

“….Dick Smith, as always, is far more erudite than I and his posting is far more pertinent than mine”

Ah but straight to the point……

"...Also Miki, Ray B is a good friend and my comment was something of a 'message' to him and I'm really sorry that you think you know enough about him to make derogatory comments when I'm quite sure you don't."

So what ?

How is anyone meant to know it was a message for him and not a jibe ?

Is this now a forum for mind readers ? He makes comments about me, I make them about him, that’s the way it is, but I am not so childish as him to just say things like

“ and now I shall ignore you again,” I do hope you are a very good boy around him and give him no reason for him to take his ball home if you say something he doesn’t like !

"...I'd have him on 'my side' any day"

Hoorah for you, I shall just have to survive with him as a foe won’t I !!

"...Mark. (A somewhat bemused and pxxxxd off Alfa)"

Simple remedy for being pxxxxd off Alfa , don’t make fun of people or find something as serious quite so funny, especially when there was not anything funny in your post !

Something you should, learn, 25 years of the kind of drinking habit you stated, your liver is not working as well as you believe, unless of course you now say you were joking again ?

My closest friend died of liver failure (I mentioned on here that I went back last year to speak at his funeral, the greatest fun funeral of all time I would say, send good mates off with laughter we always say) and only had known he had it for less than 6 months before that he or thought he was A1.

"I have to say that after 25 years of this regime my liver IS actually still working magnificently - maybe because it's used to this input and maybe because I don't 'binge' drink - the input is always the same, day in - day out. You've got me terrified now Miki !- I'm thinking serious alco - or worse - someone with a life, god forbid. (god with a small g)"

Can’t see much of a life if one drinks that much, it is obviously taking the place of something, that’s for sure ! Life is out there somewhere, not indoors swilling bottles down yer neck. You will have to be very careful you don’t spend your holiday time over here, outside Lidl with a dog in tow !!

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[quote]Miki, you know I only mention the Pride to wind you up! I also got a Wetherspoon's traditional breakfast for £1.99, which isn't bad. The coffe cost almost as much (£1.20)What has worried me lately is ...[/quote]


We buy good quality 10 or 5 litre BIB's (Bag in Box) mostly for high season from Metro (sometimes like now when we have high TdH demand for a couple of weeks or on occasion, from Promocash, when we have demand for table D'hôte. This year we actually managed to get some decent Côtes du Rhone Villages at three for two price and that went down extremely well.

We have bought several different kinds over the years, including some smaller 3 litre BIBs from Leclerc and Carrefour but the wholesaers stock a far wider arnge for our commercial use.

We are going out to Rennes for a curry in around two weeks, can you imagine saying that in London...it's I'm going for a curry toute de suite ....whooosh......

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My first time here so I hope I'm not intruding but some of you do seem awfully touchy.  If you get hot under the collar everytime a man - and it usually is don't you find - talks about about how much they drink you'll raise your blood pressure.
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You are absolutely right.

Congratulations, you have overwhelmed me with the logic and good sense contained in your retort.......AND ...................


Lighten up ............It's good for your heart, (and your liver !).


PS. You are right about one thing - Fuller's London Pride . Best beer in the world !

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Found a link that has a few facts and figures, it does say that after middle age a little 'light' drinking is good for you !(Despite saying problem drinkers in the link, its not all gloom and doom)

Those that drink, don't you worry about becoming diabetic ?

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"'those that drink, don't you worry about becoming diabetic ?'

NO ! I worry about becoming poor !

(Sorry Miki, that was unforgiveably glib )"

I wouldn't worry, my mate was just as glib, diabetes and liver failure got him in the end.

After all he was just being glib when he said the last time I spoke with him just how healthy he was feeling. Keep drinking and quoting glibly, not my worry, just try to be just a tad more mature than the American chap, that's if you can of course.

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"....You are absolutely right.

Congratulations, you have overwhelmed me with the logic and good sense contained in your retort.......AND ...................


Lighten up ............It's good for your heart, (and your liver !).


PS. You are right about one thing - Fuller's London Pride . Best beer in the world !"

Your maths appear to be as awful as your drinking habit. You will find that is a few times I have been right , look above something about me being right and the winner as well, or as happens so often to suppers of the vino collapso, your memory is sadly fading with all the cheap plonk being slung down yer neck !

I do find something sad about, shall we say, an elderly person who boasts about drinking such amounts, most of us kinda got out of that in our early or late twenties, perhaps these folks were never allowed to drink until they finally left home, just a thought...........Having a bevvy is one thing, childishly boasting about how much one drinks is another and that I find is the saddest part of all and then thinking one can justify it all, by trying to make fun about the amounts supped !

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I'm not 'boasting' about anything.

TU asked a question and I have answered it, that's all.

I don't expect (or wish) you to agree with my habits (I don't agree with them, for Christ's sake) .

Enough already !  Please see my PM and let's stop this nonsense.

I'm sorry if I have offended, threatened, surprised or bored anyone else !

I'm off for a large scotch !!!


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[quote]Miki, I'm not 'boasting' about anything. TU asked a question and I have answered it, that's all. I don't expect (or wish) you to agree with my habits (I don't agree with them, for Christ's sake) . ...[/quote]

Make that two! T would appreciate a drop of St Estephe. Hi to Jude.

The American Chap - LOL!

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[quote]Miki, I'm not 'boasting' about anything. TU asked a question and I have answered it, that's all. I don't expect (or wish) you to agree with my habits (I don't agree with them, for Christ's sake) . ...[/quote]

No PM here Alfa ?

You received mine I take it ?

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The recommended limits Gay mentions are correct per the health guidelines but I always think the key is being able to stop if you want too as that's what generally differentiates those with a problem and others.  We give up totally for a few weeks most summers, I look at it as giving me a bit more "credit" for the weeks I'm on holiday or Christmas.  But we find the most painful aspect of being on the wagon is the glaring realisation that most of our friends are so goddam boring when they're drunk.  And that in itself is extremely sobering...  M

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But we find the most painful aspect of being on the wagon is the glaring realisation that most of our friends are so goddam boring when they're drunk.  And that in itself is extremely sobering...  M

LOL, it really is, isn't it!  I gave up alcohol for Ramadan, and you know, I truly haven't missed it.  I'll probably start again next week, "just because it's there", weak woman that I am.  


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Oh well SB, Christmas is soon upon us and an unofficial amnesty allows us all to partake of a few bevvies. Does anyone else have lots of huitres et lots of Champagne on Christmas day ?

Last year we had 6 bottles of Champagne, I ate one oyster but drank over 16 glasses of wine. Trust my luck that I was pretty shaky in the morning with an awful hangover..... flipping Oyster !!

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