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One month....Gay? Anyone?


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Cyst has gone, visitors have gone, chocolate has gone, wine is going (right at this moment) .  Diet starts Monday.  I would start sooner, but we have a couple of meals out with friends.  Going back to England on the 5th November for a week and want to buy something nice to wear as we have just been invited to a posh hotel for Christmas dinner.  So loads of incentive to drop a few pounds (even if it's only half a stone).


Correze (19)

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Oh dear, I weighed in, but I didn't check in here as I was back up a kilo - my own fault, visitors and lots of cooking and meals out, willpower is at an all time low.

Did weighing heavier encourage me to do something about it - no!

Was totally fed up yesterday about lots of things, so munched my way through a large bag of maltesers and drank far too much wine.  Visitors coming over this evening for pizzas and wine.

If that's not bad enough I was stuffing my face with a cold sausage sandwich when the last notification of a posting to this site came through into my mailbox - did I feel guilty, yep but only for a couple of seconds.

Shame on me!

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Can,t wait till Tuesday as I know by tomorow it will have changed Don,t ask me how but I,ve lost 1 kilo

Haven,t stuck to the diet, had wine, choccies, you name it, enjoyed it all..ah..that,s the answer..wine and choccies here I come!


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OK - I know this is not a diet question, but seems as good a place to start as any.

Can anyone help me with size conversions, ie, english dress size 18, english shoe size 5.  What are their french equivalents.  Any useful websites showing the different conversions.  Just don't get me started on bra sizes having gone from a 36C to 100C in France   ..... and what's all these T3, T4, T5 size labels on clothes in the supermarket.  What does it all mean - I'm confused

I can't keep going back to England to buy my clothes, sooner or later I'm going to have to buy some of the lovely clothes available here in France.

Also, does anybody use La Redoute.  It appears I can order a catalogue from the .co.uk website, but I can't see the "request a catalogue" on the .fr site.  Not that I'd understand it anyway until I get to grips with the language.

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Have put on 1 kilo ,was following Janeys diet and getting away with it but sob sob not this week

Have to take it as a wake up call and think how good I felt when I lost weight a couple of months ago. Wish I sounded more convincing.

Don't quite understand what is going on though as I dont normally eat chocolate but have been stuffing it down for last couple of weeks

Jan I have sent an email re dress sizes and La Redoute, hope it helps.

The Other Jan

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I have seen piles of these catalogues in the newsagents.  You have to buy one and there is a coupon for money off in them to cover the price.  It is many, many years since I have looked at one.

I seem to buy all my stuff at either Cora or Carrefour.  An understated elegance look

I might go shopping today and buy some scales....

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Well done Jan, looking at your menu you should lose lots. Wish I could stick to your daily intake.

Just stayed the same this week, which I guess is amazing considering what I have eaten. Not happy though desparately want to lose. Having trouble with the evening aperitif 

Alexis is Gilles OK?

The Other Jan

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