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One month....Gay? Anyone?


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Jan your right tuna, egg and lettuce is nice, dressing on lettuce unfortunately just olive oil and lemon.

Diet is a variation on a 3 day face lift diet by Dr Nicholas Perricone. I tried it a couple of months ago and lost weight for the first time in five years. I continued for more than three days but this time intend to get his book which gives a 28 day diet. You can view the 3 day diet at www.nvperriconemd.co.uk

Added bonus is a glow to the skin.

The Other Jan

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How is everybody doing?  I'm doing alright.  I made some Atkins-ish soup the other day and I shall be making some more.  It fills you up legally although I am never hungry on this diet.  Keeps the cold out anyway.

Sunday is cake day....

Tuesday is tape measure day

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It's going good.  Dropped Atkins and went back to Rosemary Conley, I'm only on the 5th day, but I'm actually enjoying it.  Filling up on baked potatoes, ratatouille, fruit and homemade vegetable soup (not all in the same bowl)  Lots and lots of bread too (just no butter).


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OOOh dear was doing so well until invited out for lunch yesterday. Didnt have to eat what I did and can't believe I had a Big Mac and chips for lunch today. Nobody to blame but myself.

Will start again tomorrow but have to confess having real trouble with evening aperitif, got to blame the autumn evenings.

Thanks Alexis & Naps- making some 'good ' soup sounds like an excellent idea.


Lost in the Lot

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Come on.  Where are you all?  I have been out but I thought that you would all have been bounding with joy at the weight losses!!!!

The usual two centimetres off the waist and hips.  I never measure my busty substances for some reason.  Maybe I think if I ignore them, they will go away

Lets hope that the good start contines and I can get off this plateau!  I had a look at my measurement chart - I'm VERY organised - and I just seem to hover around these measurements for months.

Not this time though!

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Well I knew someone would start the ball rolling at some point and then I'd have to admit my disappointment.  Don't get me wrong, I have lost weight - down 2 kgs which is quite respectable, but I know I could have done better.

Too many late night binges.  A few too many glasses of wine then the kids crips are just soooo appealing. 

Still doing well during the day and continuing though.  Let's hope I can curb the binges this week.

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Yes well done both. I thought nobody had posted because like me they were toooo frightened to get weighed.

Plucked up the courage eventually and have lost half a kilo which is amazing considering I have been very bad. Evening apertif or two, continues to be a problem and chocolate. Don't usually have a problem with chocolate, is it the colder weather?

Good luck this afternoon Jan, let us know how you get on.

The other Jan

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never normaly bother with this section, but boredom(sorry gang) of being on my own so long is making me do strange things!

last time I went on the scales, some months ago I weighed in at 68 kilos. I am hoping that by the time Mr O returns with the car at the end of Oct I will be at least 3 kilos lighter...mmmm.

I have been busy painting,varnishing and giving the house a Kim and Aggie make over as well as having to walk to the next village everyday for bread(do not like the bread our grocer sells) have been weeding my potager, that is another mile walk, downhill going and uphill on the way back(when I am shattered anyway and normally carrying a bag full of fruit and veg) and ,wait for it, said I was bored ,so rosemary Coley has found her way into the living room at least once per day, all this along with eating baked potato with not much else for supper,oh alright,before Alexix dobs me in for homemade Pizza, weve had cake too BUT the girls are on a first come first served basis, so there is not normaly much left for me.

Off for a walk to the potager and to get warm...my fingers are hurting with cold,

Mrs O

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Weighed in - but as I didn't weigh last week it was a bit futile .......not too bad this week. Saturday was BAD, Sunday mediocre but the rest of the time fairly good.

Just HAVE to get on the treadmill! I am having a short break in November to work toward and Vive la FRance in Jan if Gill goes (so she can see if there is less of me than last year !!)
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I can't resist a pair of scales, and I weigh myself on about 10 different sets every week.  And they all give a different result!

Now, psychologically, do I go for the heaviest one, 64.1kg, to incent me to work harder?  Or do I congratulate myself on the 62.9kg, and then binge on toast and Marmite for a week in celebration?

Decisions, decisions! 

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 Hope you are feeling much better Janey. I wondered why you hadn't posted for a few weeks.

Monday is the start of another dream, just keep thinking of that little small thing. You really helped me with that tip. I managed to get into a short black skirt I hadn't worn for ages and got some compliments.

Have been comfort eating for a couple of weeks due to emotional problems so havent tried the little number this week but will really give it a go from Monday.


Lost in the Lot

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That is me fighting temptation.  Unfortunately, I'm losing

It has me pinned down and is stuffing food into my mouth whilst whispering "chocolate, chocolate".

Temptation must be a man

Sorry to hear that you are a bit under the weather Janey.  Get better soon.

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Thanks Alexis.

Is it just that Christmas still seems a long way off?

My demon just keeps saying food food food , wine wine wine. Men dont come into the equation!



Lost in the Lot

Hopefully not forever

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[quote]Weighed in - but as I didn't weigh last week it was a bit futile .......not too bad this week. Saturday was BAD, Sunday mediocre but the rest of the time fairly good.Just HAVE to get on the treadmill!...[/quote]

Vive la FRance in Jan if Gill goes (so she can see if there is less of me than last year !!)


I will most likely be there, if there's "less of you" there may well be more of me!


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Well, weighing in this morn at ...67kilos eeek

Not even in the mood for this diet, now that Summer,s gone it seems to be oh so much harder!

Why is that chocolate and wine calling us all?? It,s calling me non stop..seems like the only way to shut it up is to have some


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Blooming annoying that my post floats about like that.

Anyway, still trying.  Bad potato week last week.  I can't resist it and Gilles has been at the dentist so we are eating mush....

Still the same measurements.  I am seriously thinking of buying some shout your weight scales.  I might have lost a gram but it hasn't shown up on the tape measure

Still, not put any on!

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Same here, nothing off but nothing on. I hasten to say I wouldnt dare look at me with nothing on!

Potatoes are another problem this week to go with the wine and the chocolate.

It seems so much harder than a couple of months ago, particularly now that the melons and peaches have disappeared.


Lost in the Lot

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